Chapter 07

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Brittany was dead!

No! She was murdered last night.

Everyone in the school talked about it, whispering and shivering out of fear.

In this town something like murder brought worst out of people. They either blamed her being a bitch or suspected anyone as the murderer.

Anyway a person was dead. A girl was killed as she was taking her evening jog.

I didn't know who exactly found her, but I heard that he was a guy who took early morning trail running which led through the woods. He found her a few feet away from the trail and called the police.

The siren sounds that broke peaceful silence in the morning, drew the attention of the town. So they found out someone was killed and that person was Brittany.

Throughout the day our school had that dark grey cloud spreading all over the school. It brought fear, uneasiness and made everyone's head occupied with the thought about who could be the killer.

The more people talked about it, the more it spread, distracting everyone from their normal and peaceful lives. Our School let everyone go home early and nobody was happy. Brittany's murder stop anyone from smiling and it made people gather in public places not letting anyone stay at home alone.

I didn't see Maddy or Justin or Vera at school. And I didn't bother to give them a call, since I wasn't in the mood. I wanted to be alone, to accept the death of the girl who flirted with me and kissed me, so she could destroy my relationship with Maddy.

And she wanted me!

I didn't know what I was feeling. I couldn't hate her anymore and I was not ready to pity her just because she was dead. But I wished she had more time! More time to explore her life, to accept her mistakes and to find her own happiness with the one who would love her unconditionally.

But someone took that chance away from her. And that person decided it was okay to end her life just because they had a reason.

I parked my car and got inside the house, my mind was completely clouded with Brittany and her unfortunate death. That was why I didn't see the car that parked outside, which belonged to the person I never got along with. He was the pride of the family and the responsible son any parent would wish for. He was the reason my parents demanded that I reach their high expectations.

My brother, Richard, was five years older than me and he worked as a detective in the city. I knew why he was here. Brittany's murder brought him back to his little town.

I ignored him and walked into my room, closing the door behind me. I plopped on my bed staring at the white ceiling. He used to ignore me when we were young and it was my turn to ignore him now.

"Alex!" He knocked on the door.

I didn't answer.

"Alex, I'm coming in," he said after a few minutes.

I stayed silent. He was going to come inside whether I liked it or not.

He opened the door and walked in. He sat down on the chair near my desk after closing the door. I didn't bother to look at him.

"How are you, Alex?" He asked in his deep voice.

"I'm alive," I said.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair, "I missed you my little brother"

"Don't!" I pushed his hand away, "I'm not your little brother anymore"

He sighed and straightened his back, "We are going to come to school tomorrow..."

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