Chapter 29

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I searched through the drawers quickly. Maddy could be coming out any minute.

When I searched through the drawers I found a journal similar to Maddy's journal that I read on the day of her birthday. I was surprised. I didn't think they brought journals together, so why did Megan have one which exactly looked like Maddy's?

I turned the first page reading the name inside.

'Madison Brown'

How the hell did Maddy's diary end up in Megan's drawers?

I heard the shower stopped running and I quickly put the diary back and arranged everything as they were before. I closed the door and walked towards the living room before she got out.

I heard Maddy opening the door so I sat down facing the windows and took out my phone pretending I was playing a game or something. Maddy walked towards me and stopped a few feet away.

"I'm going to order takeout. Are you going to take a shower?" she asked.

I looked up. Maddy looked fresh and her grim expression was gone, "yeah, I want to. I'll be quick" I got up grabbing my coat and walked towards the bathroom.

After taking a shower I came to the living room looking for Maddy. I hoped food had already arrived, because I was so hungry and was in need of a good night's sleep.

I heard thunder rumble in the sky and the rain hitting hard on the trees outside. The rain had started and I didn't even notice since I was in the shower.

I stopped in the middle of the half lit living room and watched Maddy who was peeping through the curtains. She stood in a corner and had pulled the curtains slightly so she could watch outside without anyone noticing her. Her eyes held anger and she directed them in the same direction and not even for a second she took her eyes away. What was she looking at?

She stood there for quite some time and I walked near her curiously. She noticed me quickly and let go of the curtains.

"Food is in the kitchen. I'll heat them up" she smiled and walked away.

I looked at her dumbfounded. Her moods changed faster than I could point them out. What was she looking at anyway?

I walked near the windows and stood in the same spot Maddy was before. I pulled the curtains slightly and looked outside trying to figure out what she was looking at. The rain was pouring and it was very hard to see anything clearly.

I stayed there a good few minutes staring at the dark sky and blurred trees hoping I would see something in any minute. A lightning hit nearby illuminating the area for a second. I thought I saw something near the tree line at the end of the garden. So I waited for the next. As it heard my wish the second lightning hit and at that moment I focused on the thing that I saw before.

A car!

There was a car parked behind those tree lines and it was in the dark hiding whoever was inside that vehicle.

I let go of the curtains and walked towards the kitchen. It could be someone who didn't want to drive through this heavy rain. But from the expression Maddy had before, it looked like it was someone Maddy knew. Who could be there at this hour?

I shrugged dismissing any negative thoughts and found Maddy in the kitchen. She had heated the food and there were two wine glasses with a wine bottle on the side.

At once I remembered what Maddy told Nick at the funeral home. She couldn't have put any sleeping pills inside that bottle, could she?

I sat down looking at the bottle warily. When Maddy sat down she poured wine into the glasses and started to eat without sparing a glance at me. I started to eat too but didn't touch the glass. I saw Maddy watching me curiously before she grabbed her glass and drank them in one shot. 

Her Secrets Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora