Chapter 44

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The car ran over something again and bumped up causing Alex to hit his head hard. Alex stirred and groaned in his half awake state and tried to open his eyes slowly. The car shook like it was going on a very rough road and Alex looked around trying to figure out what was happening.

He tried to get up but that was when he figured out why he was in a very uncomfortable position. His hands were tied up from behind and legs were too tied up making him lie on his side.

He breathed hard when the memories of previous incidents flew through his mind. He remembered Maddy's diary and what she had written there. And he remembered his conversation with Maddy's mom and the pain he felt before he fell unconscious.

He knew it was Megan who hit him and she was the reason why he was in a car trunk tied up like an animal who was going to get killed.

He tried to move but something disturbed him. There was something big behind him and it halted his movements making him angry. He ran his hands as he could trying to figure out what it was. There could be something useful and he would be able to use it to escape.

When he touched it, the first thing he noticed was how cold that thing was. It was like he was touching an ice block but at the same time it was soft. He ran his hands up and down and shivered when he understood he was holding an arm.

There was someone behind him and just like he was before that person was unconscious too. If it wasn't the case why didn't that person wake up?

Alex tried to turn towards that person but the space was too tight for him to do anything. He tried to loosen the binds too but heck they didn't budge an inch and only made his hands cut. Alex hissed in pain and cursed Megan using every word that he knew that there were.

He was not going to let her get away with this and he promised himself that he would make sure Megan got punished for the things she did. How stupid he was? He almost fell into her trap and almost got killed.

He lost Maddy because of her and also she was the reason why he was in this mess after losing his one and only best friend.

He gritted his teeth, anger coursing through his mind. If he could, he would punish her by himself. He wished to drag her and drown her in the lake like she did to Maddy. He wanted to see fear in her eyes and he wanted her to remember all the innocent lives she took and had fun when killing them. He wanted Megan to regret even thinking about harming a person. But..... he didn't know Megan was too far from feeling those feelings.

The car stopped and Alex straightened up alert. He heard another car parking and wondered whether Megan had an accomplice that they didn't know about.

He heard the car door open and close and those actions made a slight shake making Alex groaned in discomfort. He poked the person behind him and wondered why that person didn't wake up yet.

His breath hitched when he heard the footsteps that stopped in front of him. He prepared his mind to face the murderer that they were all looking for and clenched his hands trying to feel strong.

He squinted his eyes when the trunk opened causing the light to shone on his face brightly. He blinked a few times trying to adjust his eyes to the light and when they cleared he looked up at the person who stood in front of him with so much hatred.

The moment his eyes fell on her he knew he was doomed. Her eyes were soft and the smile stole his breath away. Her hair danced with the wind and when she called his name he thought maybe he was already in heaven.

"Alex!" her soft voice sent a shiver down his spine and she looked at him curiously.


His voice broke and the next second she burst out laughing making Alex snap out of it instantly. He gritted his teeth, cursing himself for falling into her trick and tried to get up using this chance to get out of this position.

He sat up and looked at the other person who was with him. That was when he lost it all. A scream left his mouth, and when he tried to get away from the body he fell onto the ground. Alex breathed hard, horrified by what he saw. Hearing and seeing the photos of a dead body was totally different from seeing it with your naked eye.

"Weakling!" Megan scoffed and muttered bitterly. 

He winced but quickly sat up. A flash of a blurred memory crossed his mind. He breathed hard. He didn't imagine that, did he?

Alex looked inside again and tears welled up in his eyes. Another person was dead, but... but how could he?

"What did you do?" Alex yelled, "why kill him? Why have you killed another innocent one?" he screamed.

Megan laughed, "what? Innocent? Do you know how much of a fight I had to put up with him?" she took out a knife, "I stabbed him a few times again and again, but he fought with me until I gave him the final blow. You know..." she held the knife against her neck, "like this"

Alex shivered seeing how Megan explained like it was nothing. He looked inside again and closed his eyes when he remembered how he fought with him trying to protect this stupid bitch.

'Max!' he whispered in his mind and looked at those lifeless eyes which were still open, 'I'm sorry for being an idiot. I'm so sorry for fighting with you trying to protect this murderer. I thought she was Maddy, but....' tears rolled down his cheeks, 'but I am the reason why you are dead too' he sniffed.

"Are you crying?" Megan tilted her head, "aww... What a weakling! No wonder why Maddy liked you. You two were perfect!" she laughed.

"You, bitch!" Alex spat, "how did you kill your own sister? She was your twin, your other half" he barked.

Megan crouched down to his level and looked at him with so much hatred after hearing those words, "she was my other half until you came along'' she gritted her teeth, "it's so unfortunate that you don't remember how you destroyed us by sputtering some nonsense in to her head. But don't worry" she got up, "you are going to reunite with her soon" she walked away.

"Megan!" a weak voice spoke up, "can we... Can you let him go?" Alex turned around surprised and gaped at Mrs. Brown seeing her standing near the other car.

What was happening here? Was she helping Megan? or was she trying to protect her just like she did all this time?

"You!" Alex tried to get up but he failed, "how did you do this to Maddy? How could you still protect her when she killed all your family?"

"I'm her family" Megan shrugged, "she is weak just like Maddy. She can't live alone. She needs at least one member from her family"

"Megan, let Alex go. We can go far away-"

"Shut up!" Megan barked at her, "just shut up" she breathed hard, "I'm not weak like you and I'm not going to run away. I'm going to finish what I started years ago. And after this I don't care what's going to happen to me"

With that Megan walked towards the car and closed the trunk while Alex watched her curiously. She got into the car and drove a few metres forward. Then she stopped the vehicle and got out while the engine was still running. She closed the door and stepped aside. Surprisingly the car started to move and Alex sat on his knees quickly, trying to figure out what she was doing.

The view of the lake caught Alex's eyes and he looked at Megan dumbfounded.

"Why.... Why are you trying to drown him with the car? You always left the bodies untouched. So why..?"

"Destroying evidences" Megan shrugged, "He got so much of my DNA on his hands and I don't want to give them any chance to lock me up"

Alex watched the car with a heavy heart. It moved forward into the water and right in front of his eyes it disappeared into the lake. Max's family would be devastated when they learned about his disappearance. They would not know what had happened to him. And without a body it would be just a missing case while they grieved waiting for his return.

Another tear escaped his eye. What would happen to his family after Megan was done with him?

He watched Megan walking towards him and prepared his mind to fight with her. Even though there was nothing that could help him get out, he promised to himself that he was not going to meet the same fate as Max.

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