Chapter 45

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He watched Megan looking for something inside the other car and he tried to use this chance to escape. He tried to loosen his binds on his hands and legs but they were very tight. He was about to give up when he caught a movement in the shadows. His eyes widened surprised but he felt relieved at the same time.

Alex looked at the tree again where he saw a movement earlier. He didn't imagine it. There was somebody behind that tree. But he couldn't recognise who it was until that person peeped out again giving him a good look at her face.


Alex quickly turned around and looked at Mrs. Brown and Megan. Mrs. Brown looked pale and she stole glances at where Vera was while trying so hard to stay calm. Alex was sure now she was not going to give Vera away, but he wasn't sure about how she would react when Megan gave an order.

She followed Megan here, not bothering to call the police. She looked like she wanted to save Alex but she didn't have any strength to go up against Megan too.

"Ah, Found it!"

Megan's voice snapped Alex out of his thoughts. Megan walked towards Alex and grabbed his hair making him hissed out of pain. She dragged him towards an old, worn out dock and made him sit up.

"My final gift to you"

He quickly looked at what Megan was holding in her hand and when he saw what it was his heart sank. Megan held Maddy's necklace in front of his eyes. It was the one he gave to Maddy on her birthday and the one Maddy promised to never take off. But her killer was holding it in front of his eyes and he felt furious.

"Bitch!" Alex spat, "how dare you hold something precious like that in your dirty hands? You killed her. And still you can do this even without feeling disgusted about yourself?" he shouted.

Megan only laughed and next second she put the knife on his neck, "I want to stab here again and again until you beg for your life. But tsk... I want to enjoy my killing this time. So I wouldn't do anything but...." she stabbed his thigh and a scream left from Alex's mouth, "I can make you bleed while you struggle to breath under the water" she smiled.

"You fucking bitch!" Alex growled.

She raised her hand again trying to go for another stab, but suddenly she was thrown onto the ground and Vera fought with Megan trying to take control. The knife fell from Megan's hand and Alex tried to reach for it, but he stopped moving towards it when he saw Megan pulling a gun out of her pocket.


Alex shouted to warn her but he was too late. Megan hit Vera with the gun and Vera pulled away holding her bleeding head. Vera breathed hard and felt stupid coming here without a proper weapon. She didn't think Megan would have a gun.

"Bitch!" Vera gritted her teeth, "you killed my brother first, then Maddy. And tried to kill my boyfriend too. How crazy are you to go after innocent lives again and again? Do you even know that you are crazy?" Vera mocked.

Megan aimed the gun towards her and glared, "I'm not crazy you bitch! You're the one who is crazy. Shouldn't you be grateful towards me for saving your pathetic life? After all you got a heart thanks to me. If I didn't kill him that day you wouldn't be able to stand here breathing the same air as me" she yelled, "and for your boyfriend...." she smiled, "I knew I had to do something to your lover boy if I wanted to get you out of your hiding cave" she laughed, "isn't this fun? You're going to see another one getting killed too"

Megan walked towards Alex still aiming the gun towards Vera who glared at her. When she reached him, Alex quickly grabbed Megan and pulled the gun away from her. A cry of victory left Vera's mouth and Megan looked furious. She tried to get near him but Alex pointed the gun towards her.

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