Chapter 03

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I called her name trying not to scare her.

She sat behind the building leaning against the wall, she hugged her knees while her face hidden behind her arms and I heard her sniffing.

"Leave me alone!" Her muffled voice came.

I crouched down next to her, "It's me Alex" I said hoping she would open up to me. It took quite a while to find her here.

"What do you want, Alex?" She asked this time glaring at me through her red puffy eyes. I felt sympathy for her. I couldn't help it, she reminded me of Maddy and I didn't like it when she cried.

I sighed, I was doing this quite a lot lately.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Do I look like I'm alright?" She spat.

Yup! It was a stupid question. I scratched the back of my head.

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to know..."

"Does Maddy know that you are here? With me?!" She questioned.

I shook my head, "No!... I..."

"Then you shouldn't be here" she said looking away, "you are going to make it worse for me"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked dumbfounded.

"It's just what I said! You will make it talking or trying to look after me when Maddy doesn't like it"

So she knew!

"Why don't you two get along? You two are sisters and twins!" Maybe I will be able to solve this mystery today.

"Why don't you ask Maddy?" Maybe not!

I stayed silent.

"She's not telling you anything, isn't she?" She asked after studying my face for a few minutes.

She chuckled, the complete opposite of what she was doing a few seconds ago. 

"Anyway don't look for me again. Maddy doesn't like it. And I don't want her to get mad at me" she said.

"I understand. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable" I got up and turned to walk away not wanting to hang around her anymore if she was that much worried.

"Wait!" Megan called out.

I stopped in my tracks.

"Thank you!" I heard her sniffing, "And... I.. I didn't watch you other day. I was out that day because I usually..."

"take a walk around the lake and you stay there until sunset, I know.." I said, turning to look at her, finishing her sentence.

She nodded, a faint smile dancing on her lips, "I'm glad you knew"

Of course, I knew. It was not because I stalked her or something. It was because whenever I visited Maddy's home, I had seen Megan walk out from the house towards the lake, through Maddy's rooms' window. It looked odd at that time since she left the house at the same time everyday I visited. But who was I to judge someone just because she had a schedule for everything unlike me and it didn't harm anyone.

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