Chapter 05

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"What?!" I asked dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked that question" she mumbled.

"Megan!" I stopped her when she tried to walk past me, "any guy would be lucky to have you" I said sincerely.

"Thank you!" she smiled, "Can I hug you one more time? It's okay, if you don't like it...I'm sorry if I..."

"It's okay!" I cut her off and she hugged me mumbling a quiet 'Thank you' again.

From the corner of my eye I saw someone move, but stayed until Megan pulled away not wanting to startle her. Megan gave me a grateful smile and walked away back to her room. And I followed soon after knowing I wasn't going to get any sleep again. Not when Maddy saw me hugging her sister in the middle of the night.

"Maddy! I can explain" I said as soon as I opened the door to her room.

"No need to. I saw and heard everything" she spat.

"Then why are you mad?"

"I told you to stay away from her" she gritted her teeth.

"Com'on Maddy, really?! You thought I went out to see her?" I was frustrated.

"No! But I told you to stay away from her. She doesn't need your sympathy or gifts"

"For god's sake, Maddy!, she's your sister. What's wrong with you?"

"Everything's wrong, Alex! When I asked you not to do something, you shouldn't have done that, especially with Megan" she breathed, "just leave!"


"I said leave, Alex! I don't want to see you or talk to you right now. Everything is a mess. I don't want to take any decisions when my head is a mess"

"What decisions?" I asked, biting back my anger.

She watched me for a second, "A decision about us!"

"About us?! What's there to decide? What do you want me to do?" I shouted.

"I need some space" she looked like she was about to cry, so I stayed silent even though I was hurt deep inside. I didn't want to make her cry, I hated to see her in tears.

"I'm not breaking up" she continued, "but I need some time alone away from you, figure things out"

"What kind of things, Maddy? Can't we just figure them out together" I pleaded. I didn't want to stay away from her.

"Please!" She begged, "it's for the best"

Without a word I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the house. I was angry and sad. It wasn't because Maddy asked for some space. It was because she always pushed me aside and tried to solve her problems by herself. I wanted to be the one to help her to solve all her problems. I wanted to be the one whom she would come to when she has a problem.

Weekend passed in a blur and I dragged myself to the school on Monday morning. Maddy was nowhere to be seen or she avoided me on purpose.

Justin met me at the entrance warning me that Maddy was already here. He knew what happened and said it would be best if I left her alone like she wanted. And he said he would ask Vera to talk to her.

When we entered there was a crowd gathered at the end of the hall. We walked towards it curious, but I didn't expect to see Maddy there with Nick bullying some innocent kid.

The poor girl was kneeling on the floor collecting her stuff and Nick poured some juice on her while Maddy smiled like she was watching her favourite show. I watched her in shock. Maddy I knew never was a bully.

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