Chapter 23

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I pulled my hair frustrated. What was Maddy and her mom thinking? Why didn't they hand Megan over to the police?

"So what happened next? Maddy continued her sessions while Megan enjoyed her freedom?"

Dr. Scott sighed, "yes, that was what happened. And Mrs. Brown refused to admit Megan to a mental hospital"

Urgh! How stupid was she?! Her decision already killed an innocent girl.

"So what problems Megan caused again? You said Maddy gave in some times letting Megan win" I questioned knowing that Chris's case could be somewhat involved in this case, "And why Megan couldn't make any friends and tried to have her own life instead of making Maddy's life more miserable?" I was confused. Making friends couldn't be that much hard since she was beautiful and smart just like Maddy.

"it's not easy as you think, Alex. When a dominant twin loses her power she retreat to a corner. They can't make friends easily and don't like when new people try to invade their personal space except for their twin. So think about your twin neglecting you and enjoying her life without a single care about you. It made Megan hate Maddy more'' he explained, "for Megan having control over Maddy was like an obsession. She liked it too much and without it she went crazy. That was why Maddy was afraid to let her sister be a part of her life. She thought she would lose to Megan and Megan would control her life again making her lose everything she worked hard for"

Those words reminded me of Maddy's diary. I remembered she mentioned about losing her friends because of her secrets. So was this her secret? And the 'she' Maddy talked about with Vera was Megan?

"Maddy gave in when Megan went after that boy Chris" his words snapped me out of my thoughts,” So I was right!, "she couldn't do anything. Maddy said she felt weak and hopeless every time she saw Megan was successful at taking back everything she loved. Megan did that to show Maddy how weak she was and to prove that she still had the control over her life. But when it came to you she fought hard, promising herself that she's not going to lose you too"

"Maddy told you that?"

"She did. That's why it was hard to believe she broke up with you"

"But she did," I rubbed my face, "I hope we can be together again after everything settles down. I really miss her and I want to be with her so badly since I understand why she did what she did" I confessed.

"You will," he squeezed my shoulder, "but you have to bring her here. She must continue her therapies. Otherwise she would lose her way and will start to follow Megan's path"

"What?! You mean suicide? I don't think so. She wrote in her diary that she hoped it would be over when Megan died and she could be happy. So why does she want to take her own life? That doesn't make any sense" I lashed out.

"Calm down, Alex!" His tone was steady and calm, "I wasn't talking about a suicide. I was trying to warn you about Megan's murderous traits" he dropped a bomb.

"What are you talking about? Do you think Maddy will start to kill too? I don't think Maddy can do that. She's not a murderer" I said trying to convince myself more than I needed him to. A chill ran along my spine when I thought about Maddy going after innocent people and killing them.

I shook my head and a nervous laugh escaped my mouth. This wasn't going to end any time soon, was it?

"Alex, you have to understand that there is more to a twin bond than we see. You cannot understand the depth of this bond unless you're a twin" he sighed, "when you lose your twin you feel like you lost a part of yourself. And she will long to reconnect"

"Even when you hated your twin?"

"Even when you hated your twin" he nodded, "in Maddy's case she will feel more grief and regret since she pushed her twin away and she might think she's responsible for Megan's death"

I sighed this time, "That's what she said to me and to her best friend. That we're responsible for Megan's death including her. She didn't want to stay with me after what happened" I told him.

"Hmm" he hummed, "That's what I'm worrying about" he grimaced, "As I said earlier Maddy would want to feel close to her sister. So she may also feel that she needs to represent both herself and Megan. In the worst case scenario she may even take the behaviours of her deceased twin. And that's what we have to stop from happening" he stated.

"Do you think she would really follow her sister?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"She would if she didn't come to her therapies and have someone keep an eye on her" he said.

"Okay! I'll try" I promised him.

"Anything else you want to know?" he poured a glass of water and gave it to me.

I accepted the glass of water thanking him and gulped it down slowly while I racked my brain for any questions.

"I heard that Maddy wanted to admit Megan to the mental hospital again. Was it true?" I put the glass back on the table.

"Yes, that was true," he confirmed.

"What was the reason? Why did she want to do it now?" she waited two damn years to put her psycho sister in the hospital. And it was after a girl died too.

"She started to come after you. That was why"

His words shocked me.

"But I refused Megan when she confessed her love for me. There was nothing going on after that. So why would she want to do that just because of me. I don't believe it" I shook my head, not agreeing.

"She could've killed you, Alex" his tone was serious, "First she tried to take what Maddy loves. If she won then all is good. If not she wouldn't let Maddy have it too. That was why Maddy let Chris go. And also that's why Maddy wanted her sister admitted to the mental hospital. She knew you wouldn't fall for her tricks and Maddy loved you too much to let you go" he gave me a faint smile.

Those words warmed my heart. I knew Maddy loved me as much as I did. But deciding to put your other half away was a tough decision and hearing that she wanted to do it for me, to keep me safe made me realise how much she loved me and cared for me.

I wasn't going to give up on a girl like that even when she pushed me away trying to hurt me. I would keep an eye on her and together we would be able to come out of this mess. I promised!

"So anything else you want to know?"

I shook my head, "No! I think this is enough for now. Thank you!" I gave him a grateful smile.

He returned the smile, "No worries, Alex! I just want Maddy to have a happy and normal life. That's why I'm asking for your help. I cannot let her go just like that" he pulled a business card out and wrote something on it, "This is my private contact number" he handed the card over, "You must contact me as soon as you saw that memory" he hinted about Collin's death. 

"I will" I promised him, pushing the card inside my wallet, "I must admit that I'm really afraid to see someone die in front of me. But there's nothing I can do, right? I have to let the memory play even though I don't want to" I sighed worrying about that particular memory. If anything I wanted that memory to stay lost forever.

"Alex!" Dr. Scott raised his voice to grab my attention, "I told you that you will be able to handle it" he said, "If not I can help you but you refuse my help too" he scolded, "So the best thing you can do is not to worry about it. Let it happen when it happens and don't panic" he advised me, "That memory is more important than you think Alex. We can solve the mystery around Collin's death with your memory" he revealed.

"What?! I thought he drowned in the lake and it was an unfortunate accident. So it was a lie too?" I was angry.

"I'm not going to tell you how he died. But all I can say is that your memory will help us to solve it" he stated.

Urgh! More mysteries!

"One more thing" I turned to face him, "Was it Maddy who put a drug packet in Chris's bag?" I doubted it. 

He shook his head, "No! Megan"


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