Chapter 09

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I came to school today because I didn't want to stay at home. Justin was already at Vera's place and he said he was going to spend the day with her. So I called Maddy, but she didn't pick up my call.

Maddy sent me a message later saying she was going out of town with her mom. Mrs. Brown had an appointment with a therapist every month and I guessed they were visiting him today.

I had nowhere to go instead of home, so after wondering what to do, I decided it would be best if I hang out in my favourite cafe in the town.

I walked back towards the entrance eager to taste those tasty doughnuts Mrs. Berkeley made to sell in her cafe. They were so tasty and I felt my mouth water just from thinking about those doughnuts.

Since everyone who came were sent back home, I didn't think I would see Megan and Nick when I heard that loud sound. I thought Nick was bullying Megan again and was ready to punch him in the face this time. I had been dying to do that because of Maddy, but I stopped in my tracks and hid behind the nearest wall when Nick said something absurd.

"You're a bitch! Do you know that?" he pushed Megan against lockers.

"Yes, I'm a bitch! So what?" Megan replied like she didn't care about a thing in the world.

Nick held Megan by her neck and pushed her further against the lockers, "tell anyone about this and I'll make sure you're going to regret it" he seethed in anger.

But to my surprise Megan didn't even flinch and she grabbed Nick's hand pushing him back, "Please...." she mocked, "keep your threats to yourself. You know I don't care about those. I got what I wanted out of it. So I won't need you again and I won't bother you again. Just leave me alone, that's all I ask" she said.

Nick clenched his hands ready to punch her, but after one look at Megan he gritted his teeth and punched the locker near them. Megan only scoffed and folded her arms in front of her chest looking at Nick like he was an idiot who put on a show.

"I only leave you alone because Maddy asked me to. Do it again and you'll regret it" with one last threat Nick walked away leaving Megan behind. 

What just happened? What were they talking about?

I was racking my brain trying to figure out something when Megan called my name out of surprise.

"Alex! what are you doing here?" she asked.

"What was that about?" I might as well ask her directly rather than trying to tired out my brain.

"You heard?!"

"Of course I heard. That's why I'm asking" I nearly rolled my eyes.

But instead of replying back to my question, Megan's eyes started to fill with tears and she leapt forward hugging me tightly. I froze on my spot not expecting a reaction from Megan like that since we were at the school. But she didn't care and I was thankful that we were alone.

She squeezed me tightly pressing her face into my chest and her tears wet my shirt while she sobbed loudly. I didn't try to comfort her or hug her back as I didn't want to give Megan any hope after our last encounter at the field. After a while she calmed down and looked up into my eyes with her red teary eyes.

I almost brought my hand up to wipe away her tears and her face reminding me of Maddy didn't help either. I felt bad but I had to keep a distance. I didn't want Maddy to pull further away from me than she already was.

Megan lifted her head up and tried to kiss me, but I took a step back after I removed her hands around my body.

"Alex!" she looked hurt, "are you rejecting me?"

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