Chapter 1

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It was a normal evening at Hogwarts. Students were sitting in their designated tables, chatting with their friends about their summers, planning for the coming year, and gossiping. The enchanted ceiling was adorned by candles that showed a sky littered with stars.

Seated at the Gryffindor table were four boys.

James Potter was shamelessly gawking at the red head with bright green eyes, Lily Evans, who was sitting with her group of friends. Beside James, his brother in all but blood, flirting with the sandy haired boy who sported a bright red face. It wasn't considered uncommon for Sirius Black to flirt with Remus Lupin. Beside Remus, the mousy boy, neglectful to his surroundings, was stuffing his face with all types of food.

Across the hall, at the Slytherin table, the boy with black hair and striking grey eyes kept glancing at his brother longingly. His best friend, Evan Rosier, noticed this and tried to divert his attention from his brother.

Everything was going rather well until the doors of the great hall opened with a loud bang. Everyone's attention was fixated on Euphemia and Fleamont Potter, who were frantically rushing towards the group of mischievous boys at the Gryffindor table. Entering the hall after the Potters was the Black family. Walburga and Orion were followed by Melania and Arcturus, and the three Black sisters walked alongside their husbands and families.

Unlike the other members of the Black family, Andromeda Tonks and her husband Ted, made their way towards the Gryffindor table where they sat with the Weasleys. Molly and Arthur Weasley followed behind the Blacks alongside their kids Bill and Charlie, while Percy was in his mother's arms.

Melania, Arcturus, Walburga, Orion, Bellatrix, and Narcissa all got seated at the Slytherin table. They were accompanied by Rodolphus Lestrange, Bellatrix's husband, and his brother Rabastan, and their friend Lucius Malfoy, who was Narcissa's fiancée.

Following the families, a group of aurors and ministry workers, including the minister, entered the hall and stood at the far back.

Everyone was confused to the sudden arrival of the guests, but they looked as if they were waiting for the headmaster to get things started. Hesitantly, Dumbledore stood up from his seat at the teacher's table.

"Welcome everyone. We are delighted by your presence, but what exactly are all of you doing here?" the headmaster asked, confused by the sudden arrival.

"We all received letters saying that we should come to Hogwarts tonight during dinner. The letters said that it was a pressing matter that shouldn't be ignored" the minister spoke up. Before Dumbledore could answer, a loud thundering noise was heard, a large screen, a DVD player and over a dozen CDs appeared, along with a note. Dumbledore picked up the parchment and read it out loud:

To everyone in Hogwarts,

The future of the Wizarding World is not as bright as would have been expected. Several factors have influenced this future, and we aim to change that. I sent 18 CDs that show you the life of the Potter siblings, their friends, and what they will have to go through in order to  achieve a sense of peace amongst everyone. The purpose of this is to prevent the loss of many innocent lives. The movies will be covering the events of the second Wizarding War. The CD boxes will be labelled, and you must follow to order of the movies for the story to appear  chronologically. Each CD will have a collection of movies, you must watch them all.

Throughout the duration of the screening, time will stop, so there will be no need to worry about your obligations for the time being.

I recommend that younger students stay close to older ones, considering that some scenes are not suitable for younger audiences.

At one point, a group of people from the future will be joining you, answering questions that you may have concerning their lives. Please, when they join, refrain from asking questions about future events, they are not allowed to answer.

That would be all, I hope you watch these movies very attentively.

Lady Hecate.

The hall was silent before all chaos broke lose. Some people were squealing and shouting while others were whispering amongst themselves. Each person in the hall was focused on different parts of the letter Dumbledore had just read. James and his parents were focused on the fact that they would be watching the lives of the Potter siblings, while the rest of the Marauders were fascinated by the thought of being exposed to the future. Meanwhile, many of the adults were worried at the fact that there wouldn't be one, but two major wizarding wars.

"Silence!" Dumbledore exclaimed. The hall instantly quieted down, and their attention was directed to the headmaster. "We will do as the letter says, but for now everyone finish your dinners, we'll start watching the movies tomorrow morning. As for our guests, Professor McGonagall and I will be escorting you to your sleeping quarters."

Everyone rushed to finish their meals hoping it would make the next day come faster.

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