Chapter 119

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Right as his bear-men appeared on either side of the group, Thea lunged forward summoning her sword. One of the monsters grabbed Annabeth and Grover by the shirt collars, while the other was knocked into a pile of luggage by Tyson.

Thea, who had lunged forward the moment she noticed the sword at Percy's neck, had used Luke's distraction to her advantage and disarmed him in a flash. Luke's eyes widened with surprise when he saw the glistening sword directly in front of his eyes, accompanied by the roar of Tyson.

"Yes Thea!"

"She's so amazing!"

"How did she know when to do that?"

"It's crazy how powerful and skilled she is."

"How dare you," Thea hissed, glaring at her former friend like there was no tomorrow. "How dare you show your face again after everything you've done."

"Where's the Fleece Thea?" Luke asked, visibly putting on a brave face. His tone was so nonchalant that someone would think that he's truly not bothered by the daughter of Zeus, but looking closely, it was easy to spot his acting through his body language.

Thea noticed how his eyes shifted nervously from her to Percy to the tip of her sword. She noticed how his breathing became irregular. Percy stood beside Thea, looking anxiously between Luke, and his goons that had a strong grip on their friends.

Everyone was sitting at the edge of their seats, their anxiety growing by the minute as they all waited for Thea's next move.

"Thea," Percy whispered, trying to get the girl's attention, but she was so angry she became hyper focused on Luke.

"Put your sword down, Thea," Luke ordered, an evil smile growing on his face. "Or Oreuis will bash their heads together," he told her, signaling towards Annabeth and Grover. Oreius grinned and raised Annabeth and Grover off the ground, kicking and screaming.

"What do you want, Luke?" Thea growled, not moving an inch.

His sinister smile appeared on his face once again, causing his scar to ripple on the side of his face. He gestured towards the end of the dock. That's when the group's eyes finally landed on the largest boat in the dock. The princess Andromeda.

"Why, Thea," Luke said, "I want to extend my hospitality, of course." Thea gritted her teeth while glaring at the traitor before her. Luke's eyes moved to Percy. "What do you say, Percy?"

"What is he playing at?"

"This is most definitely a trick."

Suddenly, Annabeth and Grover let out loud pained groans, which drew the attention of everyone towards them. Thea's head snapped towards her friends, giving Luke enough time to disarm her and point the tip of his sword to her neck. Thea snarled at the older boy, but Percy discreetly took her hand and squeezed it in support, silently telling her that they would be alright.

"He's using her weaknesses against her," James growled angrily, growing irritated by the former friend.

The bear twins herded the group aboard the Princess Andromeda and threw them down on the aft deck in front of the swimming pool with sparkling fountains that sprayed into the air. More than a dozen of Luke's assorted monster goons watched as he extended his "hospitality" to the group.

"And so, the Fleece," Luke mused, looking triumphantly at the group. "Where is it?" he asked, before prodding Percy's shirt with the tip of his sword, then poking Grover's jeans.

"Hey!" Grover yelled. "That's real goat fur under there!"

"Sorry, old friend." Luke smiled. "Just give me the Fleece and I'll leave you to return to your, ah, little nature quest."

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