Chapter 104

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As they neared the water, they heard a weird noise that sounded like a heartbeat at first. Thea instantly recognized it but Percy looked perplexed by the noise he was hearing.

"What's that noise?" Annabeth called as she joined the group closer to the river. She had, apparently, no luck finding a lighter in her duffle bag.

"It sounds like a boat."

"I've never heard a boat that sounds this way."

"Steam engine," Tyson informed her, delivering a strong blow to one of the heads.

"What?" Percy asked as he and Thea ducked as the hydra spat acid over their heads.

Then from the river behind them, a familiar female voice shouted: "There! Prepare the thirty-two-pounder!"

"Doesn't it sound like C-"

"Yes!" Marlene said in excitement.

A gravelly male voice said, "They're too close, m'lady!"

"Damn the heroes!" the girl said. "Full steam ahead!"

"Aye, m'lady."

"Fire at will, Captain!"

Annabeth and Thea understood what was happening a split second before Percy did. She yelled, "Hit the dirt!" and they all dove for the ground as an earth-shattering BOOM echoed from the river. There was a flash of light, a column of smoke, and the hydra exploded right in front of them, showering them with nasty green slime that vaporized as soon as it hit, the way monster guts tend to do.


"That's disgusting!"

"I doubt that come off the clothes."

"Gross!" screamed Annabeth.

"This is absolutely disgusting," Thea grumbled as she stood and helped Percy up.

"Steamship!" yelled Tyson.

Percy stood coughing beside Thea as the cloud of gunpowder smoke rolled across the banks. When the smoke cleared up, they were able to spit the ship that was chugging towards them. The ship rode low in the water like a submarine, its deck plated with iron. In the middle was a trapezoid-shaped casemate with slats on each side for canons. A flag waved from the top. It was a wild board and spear on a bloodred filed. It was a civil war battle cruiser.

Standing next to the smoking cannon that had almost gotten them killed, weaking a full Greek armor and surrounded by dead soldiers, was Clarisse.


"Why would she help them?"

"Why would she try to save them?"

"Losers," she sneered. "But I suppose I have to rescue you. Come aboard."

Clarisse ordered her men, who were gray zombies, to help them group onto the boat, and gather the remains of their things. Withing five minutes, the boat was backing out of the riverbank with four new passengers on board.

The daughter of Ares, insisted on giving them a tour of the boat, despite their repulsive state. They traveled between the dark rooms and the crowds of sailors. She'd shown them the coal bunker, the boilers, even the engine. She'd showed them the pilothouse and the powder magazine and the gunnery deck. Everywhere they went, dead confederate sailors stared at them, their ghostly bearded faced shimmering over their skulls.

They seemed to approve of Annabeth when she told then she was from Virginia. They had an interest in Percy at some point, because he could have been the kin of a Southern general with the surname Jackson. At first, Thea avoided talking, knowing that the British fought alongside the Union, which was something they wouldn't like. After a while, she would talk and exaggerate her accent because she enjoyed the way the soldiers reacted to her accent. Clarisse obviously enjoyed the encounter, despite her trying hard to hide her amusement. On the other hand, Tyson was absolutely terrified of them. He insisted that Annabeth hold his hand during the tour, despite Thea offering for him to hold her hand.

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