Chapter 29

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The scene changed, and the demigods were all walking towards the pavilion. Torches blazed around the marble columns and a central fire burned in a bronze brazier the size of a bathtub. Each cabin had its own table, covered in a white cloth trimmed in purple. Three of the tables were completely empty and Cabin Eleven was overcrowded.

"That place is so beautiful."

Thea sat alone at table one, considering she was the only daughter of the big three that was alive. Table two was empty because Hera was a dedicated wife, who wouldn't cheat on her husband like he cheats on her.

Table four, also known as Demeter's table, was filled with kids with green eyes and hair ranging between ash blonde and light shades of brown. It was obvious that they were he children of the Goddess of harvest, considering nature looked attracted to them.

Clarisse was seated at table five with the rest of her siblings. The children of Ares were all rough looking kids. They were bulkier and scarier than the other, and their features weren't inviting. They were probably the loudest table, laughing and talking loudly, it drowned out everyone else. Thea had heard from Annabeth about what happened in the bathroom, how when Clarisse tried to shove Percy's face down the toilet, it sprayed her and her siblings, yet leaving Percy completely dry. After that incident, Thea started to come up with theories about who Percy's godly parent is and narrowed it down to the best choice: Poseidon.

"They're so ugly!"
"More like scary"

Annabeth sat at table six, with her half-siblings. They were all rather serious looking athletic kids. All the kids had similar features, specifically the grey eyes and the honey blonde hair.

Apollo's table was filled with blonde kids. They were all laughing and talking amongst themselves. Lee Fletcher and Michael Yew were sitting at the head of table chatting lightly. The two were some Thea's close friends, they were the ones who taught her and trained her in archery. She became one of the best archers in camp thanks to their help.

Table eight was an honorary table, just like table two. Artemis was a maiden Goddess. She swore an oath never to love, thus making her a maiden. The table was only put to use when the Hunters came to camp, and after last visit, Thea doubted they would be coming anytime soon.

Table nine was filled with kids that looked like they were working in the forge all day, which they probably were. Thea had spent a lot of time with the children of Hephaestus, specifically Charles Beckendorf, or as she and Silena like to call him, Charlie. Thea had spent a lot of time in forges being taught by Charlie how to build things. The boy took her under his wing, and in no time, she had become almost as skilled as him.

Table ten was filled with kids that looked ready for the runway. Aphrodite's children were somehow always extremely eye-catching and perfect looking. When Silena and Thea would hang out, no matter what they did, Silena always looked perfect when they were done.

Table eleven was overcrowded, just like the cabin. It was obvious that they were having trouble sitting down. Percy was sitting on the edge of the bench, next to Luke. Further down, the table, Connor and Travis were talking animatedly with Lou Ellen Blackstone, a child of Hecate. All the children of Hermes shared elf-like features, distincting them from the other cabin residents.

"Can't they make their table bigger?"

"And their cabin."

Grover was sitting at table twelve, with Mr. D, a few satyrs, and a couple of plump boys who looked like Mr. D. Chiron stood to one side, the picnic table being too small for the centaur.

Chiron pounded his hoof against the marble floor of the pavilion, and everybody, including the Ares table, fell silent. He raised a glass "To the Gods!"

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