Chapter 110

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The group ran down the hillside through the terraces, past screaming spa workers and pirates ransacking the resort. Blackbeard's men broke the tiki torches for the luau, threw herbal wraps into the swimming pool, and kicked over tables of sauna towels.

"They're so destructive!"

"How dare they!"

"Wait!" Thea suddenly said as she saw one of the pirates grabbing two young girls that looked around their age.

"No time," Percy said as he grabbed her wrist and tried to drag her along. Thea detached herself from him and glared.

"Yes! Don't let him boss you around!" Marlene said proudly.

"Find a ship, I'll meet you there," Thea said and ran back before anyone could say anything.

Thea ran and jumped onto the pirate that was throwing around Lexi and Reyna. She jumped onto his shoulders, hooked her leg around his neck and tipped him forward before she managed to slam him into the ground. Not waiting another moment, she summoned one of her knives and slit his throat.

They younger kids turned away from the scene, hiding near the older students that had provided them with refuge.

James, his friends, and his family, all looked stunned beyond measure. They knew Thea was violent, they knew she was more than capable when it came to self-defense, but they never expected her to kill a person, specifically not a half-blood.

"Oh my gods!" Lexi gasped as she watched Thea in horror. She had never seen someone get killed, especially not in such a skilled manner.

"Come with me," Thea said as she tried to guide the girls towards the ship dock, where her friends were waiting for her. "We can keep you safe, and it would be better than this place."

"I won't leave my sister," Reyna instantly said. She was afraid, but there was no denying that the girl was extremely brave.

"Her sister?"

"She never said she had a sister."

"What if Circe is her sister?"

Lexi smiled sadly at the daughter of Zeus. "Thank you for not leaving us behind, Thea. I will never forget that."

Thea looked stunned, but quickly recovered and fished out her dagger, the one that was identical to Annabeth's and handed it to Lexi. "It's the only one I have that isn't enchanted to come back to me," she chuckled sadly. "I have to go but try to be safe and use this if you have to," Thea said as she took one last look at the two girls before she reluctantly ran back to the harbor where she knew Percy and Annabeth would be waiting for her.

"That's actually so sad."

"I hope they make it out alive and unharmed."

"They should have left with them!"

"Thea should have taken them no matter what."

As she was running, she heard the angered roar of Blackbeard. "Argggh!" Blackbeard yelled somewhere beside Thea. "Those scalawags are a-boarding me vessel! Get 'em, lads!"

"We'll never get going in time!" Annabeth yelled as they climbed aboard.

Percy closed his eyes and concentrated on the waves lapping against the hull, the ocean currents, the winds all around them. Suddenly, the right word appeared in my mind. "Mizzenmast!" he yelled.


"That's such a weird thing to scream randomly."

Annabeth looked at him as though he was crazy, but within a second, the air was filled with the whistling sound of ropes being snapped taut, canvases unfurling and wooden pulleys creaking.

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