Chapter 15

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Thea was seen pacing outside one of the bathroom stalls.

"Throughout history, even in different mythologies! I mean there's Athena, Artemis, Nyx, Hecate, Nemesis, Hestia, Gea, and don't get me started on Antigone. And these are only some of the basics in Greek mythology. Hasn't anyone ever heard of the Dahomey Amazons? An all-female military regime. Bellona, Juno, Minerva. Helen of freaking Troy! I can go on about women, how they shaped history." Thea ranted. "Don't get me started on Egyptian mythology. I mean Cleopatra wasn't even a Goddess and she was one of the strongest and most beautiful women to walk this earth. If you're crying this much because some walking carrot was jealous of your magical skills, then you're going to face a lot of problems when you get older."

"She's absolutely right" said none other than Melania Black. People looked shocked that she was the one that supported Thea's feminist claims, especially that traditional pureblood families thought that the role of women was limited.

"He said that I don't have any friends... and he's right!" Hermione cried.

Thea rolled her eyes. "You do have a friend. You have me." She paused for a second. "But we need to establish some boundaries, love. I like my privacy."

There was a moment of silence before Hermione sniffled again. "You truly mean that?" the girl in the stall asked in a small voice.

"Yes, Hermione, I do. You're a great girl. But you can be a bit pushy sometimes. Don't worry I'll call you out on your shit whenever it gets on my nerves." As soon as Thea finished talking, the stall door flew open, and the Granger girl threw herself at Thea who accepted her hug.

Students in the hall cooed and awed at the two friends.

When they separate, Hermione wiped her eyes. Thea leaned on the wall opposite to the door. Suddenly the hair on the back of her neck rose, and the daughter of Zeus was immediately fully alert. Before she could grab her friend, a hideous troll stood at the entrance of the bathroom. The troll grunted, gaining the attention of the young witch. When she looked up, she slowly started to back up toward the stall she had previously been in. Thea, who's hand was on her necklace, decided against exposing her true nature and went for the flight response.

James was staring wide eyed at the screen and was gripping his wand tightly, as if he was ready to fight the troll himself. When he looked at his friends, he noticed that they were all in the same state as him, even frank Longbottom and the Prewet twins who weren't extremely close with the Marauders.

Both girls got into the stalls at each end of the row. The troll roared and smashed its club across the wooden stalls, breaking them. Hermione let out a shriek and started crawling towards the other girl that was crouched down, signaling for her to move forward. Right then, the boys burst into the bathroom, shocked to see the troll destroying it.

Students gasped and looked away from the screen in fear of the fate of the two girls.

"Thea! Hermione!" Harry yelled. "Move!" the girls crawled away just in time, avoiding getting crushed by the club.

"Hey, pea brain!" Ron yelled, as he and Harry threw pieces of wood from the broken bathroom stalls at the troll, trying to distract it from the girls. It worked, allowing Thea and Hermione to crawl under the sinks.

Unfortunately for them, the troll noticed, and he swung his club right onto the sink that was separating the girls, shattering it.

"Help!" Hermione called.

Harry, showing his true Gryffindor self, grabbed his wand and stepped forward, only to be swept away by the troll's club, and somehow landing on his shoulders. The troll looked around, confused, and when he realized that the Potter boy was on his shoulders, he started thrashing around trying to get him off. Instead of getting him off, like he had planned, Harry accidently lodged his wand into the troll's nose.

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