Chapter 35

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The door of the shop creaked open and standing before the group was a tall Middle Eastern looking woman. They assumed that she was Middle Eastern due to her attire. She wore a long black gown that covered everything but her hands, and her head was completely veiled.

"Children, it is too late to be out all alone. Where are your parents?" Her voice was soft and soothing, with a slight accent.

"Her voice is creepy." Whispered Peter, which earned a series of nods from the people that heard him.

'They're... um..." Annabeth trailed off.

"We're orphans." Percy lied. Thea had to bite her lip to keep a groan and a remark from slipping out at his very obvious lie.

"Orphans? But my dears, surely not." She said as if it was the most absurd thing as if she had never uttered the word 'orphan' in her life.

"We got separated from our caravan. Our circus caravan. The ringmaster told us to meet him at the gas station, but we got lost, but he may have forgotten or maybe he meant a different gas station. Anyways, we're lost. Is that food I smell?" Percy continued with the lie. Grover had to physically restrain Thea from going over to him and beating him up.

"Oh, my dears," the woman said "You must come in, poor children. I am Aunty Em. Go straight through to the back of the warehouse, please. There's a dining area."



"Please don't be stupid!"

Annabeth and Percy thanked her and went inside, while Thea and Grover trailed behind them. Thea was very obviously looking around the room in hopes to find a way out if they needed it, like she does in every place she enters.

"Constant vigilance!" Moody said loudly, earning eyerolls from the adults.

"Circus Caravan?" Annabeth scoffed at Percy.

"Always have a strategy, right?" he muttered, looking at the statues.

"Your head is literally full of kelp." Thea grumbles, rolling her eyes. The smell of burgers was taking over her senses, but the sound of Grover's nervous whimpers snapped her out of it. She was grateful she was alert, making note that the woman had locked the door behind them.

People in the hall were screaming at the kids to get out of there.

The Potters, the Marauders and their friends were all sitting on the edge of their seats worried that something bad was going to happen to Thea.

No one seemed to notice the shifty behavior of the woman except Thea. It was obvious that all Percy and Annabeth were thinking about was reaching the dining area.

"Please sit down," Aunty Em eyes them all, her veiled eyes lingered on Annabeth a bit longer. That action alone made chills run down Thea's back.

"Awesome!" Percy grinned.

"We don't have any money, ma'am." Grover told her. Thea knew that it was a lie but opted on staying quiet. After all, the woman's behavior could change towards them at any given moment.

"No, no, children please. No money. This is a special case, yes? It is my treat for such nice orphans." She smiled kindly at Grover, gesturing for him to take a seat. When he moved to sit, Thea's hand shot to his while she slowly shook her head. There was some edge to the woman's smile, something sinister and less genuine than she wanted it to seem.

"I think the fact that she's offering them free food should snap them out of this trans." James mumbled.

"Thank you, ma'am." Annabeth thanked her, pulling Thea down with her, resulting in a sitting Grover as well.

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