Chapter 12

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"It's Filch's cat!" Harry exclaimed. The two boys looked at each other before saying in unison.

"Run!" The group of four ran down the hallway, until they saw a door.

"No! Find a way out of there and leave!" Lily protested.

"Quick, let's hide through that door." Hermione told them as she pointed to an old mahogany door. They ran towards the door and Ron and Harry took turns trying to open the door but they both failed.

"It's locked!" Harry said, giving up.

"Then you shouldn't be there in the first place!" Molly said worriedly.

"That's it. We're done for." Ron said dramatically causing the girls to roll their eyes at him.

"That's a bit dramatic, Ron." Thea said, before her and Hermione pointed their wants at the lock.

"Alohamora!" and the door clicked open.

"Get in" the bushy haired girl ordered.

"Alohamora?" Harry asked, looking at the girls curiously.

"Standard Book of Spells, chapter 7." Thea answered, while Hermione nodded along. In the corner of their eye, they saw Filch appear at the end of the corridor with a lantern in his hand.

"Anyone here, my sweet?" He asked the cat. He looked around but found nothing unusual, so decided to leave with his cat.

"Is it just me or does he get weirder by the year?" Rabastan asked his brother who shrugged.

"Come on," Harry whispered, "Filch is gone."

"Probably thins the door's locked." Ron said smugly.

"That's because it was locked, genius." Thea sassed.

She saw Harry turning towards the room, his face showing a mixture of shock and fear. She followed his gaze and found a three headed dog. Ron and Hermione followed suit, instantly freezing when they see the enormous creature. The beast started to stir, opening its eyes and sniffing the air. When it saw the group, he started growling and snapping at them.

All the kids except the demigod scream in fear. Thea started rushing them out of the room, but having difficulty closing the door due to the heads pushing to get them. The group rushed back to the safety of the common room, while Thea was strolling behind them. When Hermione noticed, she ran back and grabbed her, making sure they all stayed together.

James rubs his temple, muttering something about his daughter having a death wish.

"What do you think they're doing, keeping a thing like that locked up in a school?" Ron asked, still frightened by the encounter.

"You don't use your eyes, do you? Didn't you see what it was standing on?" Hermione asked them, confusing the boys even more.

"I wasn't looking at its feet! I was a bit preoccupied with its heads. Or maybe you didn't notice. There were three!" He argued.

Before the bushy haired girl could answer, the demigod beat her to it. "It was standing on a trap door, which means it wasn't there by accident. It's guarding something."

Harry turned sharply towards his sister. "Guarding something?"

"That's right. Now, if you three don't mind, I'm going to bed before any of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed. Or worse, expelled." Hermione said, before she went up to the girls' dormitory, leaving the group of three stunned.

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