Chapter 116

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The pair might have gotten weird looks from their friends, but they both decided it would be best if they ignored them. As soon as they go to the edge of the water, Percy put Thea down gently and concentrated all his energy into summoning their boat. After a few anxious minutes, the Queen Anne's Revenge rounded the tip of the island.

"I'm enjoying this way too much," Marlene squealed happily, watching as the pair kept growing closer by the minute.

"Calm down, Marls," James said, slightly glaring at his friend. Marlene returned his glare but calmed down when she saw the look that Remus was giving her.

Remus understood her excitement and he shared her feelings, but it was better

"Incoming!" Tyson yelled. He was bounding down the path to join them, the sheep about fifty yards behind, bleating in frustration as their Cyclops friend ran away without feeding them.

"They probably won't follow us into the water," Percy reassured the others. "All we have to do is swim for the ship."

"He's crazy!"

"Thea and Annabeth are hurt, how are they supposed to swim?"

"With Annabeth like this?" Clarisse protested. "And what about Thea? She naturally hates water; you want her to swim in her condition?"

"We can do it," Percy insisted. He was starting to feel confident again. "Once we get to the ship, we're home free."

They were just wading past the entrance to the ravine, when they heard a tremendous roar and saw Polyphemus, scraped up and bruised but still very much alive, his baby-blue wedding outfit in tatters, splashing toward us with a boulder in each hand.

"He's still here?"

"How is he not dead yet?"

"They really need to get out of there as soon as possible!"

"You'd think he'd run out of rocks," Percy muttered.

"Swim for it!" Grover said.

He and Clarisse plunged into the surf. Annabeth hung on to Clarisse's neck and tried to paddle with one hand, the wet Fleece weighing her down. Percy held onto Thea's hand tighter and swam by her side, slightly dragging her along. But they noticed that the monster's attention wasn't on the Fleece.

"Isn't Tyson swimming with them?" Andromeda asked, looking worriedly for the young Cyclops that wasn't with his friends.

"You, young Cyclops!" Polyphemus roared. "Traitor to your kind!"

Tyson froze at the accusation, which cause Percy to panic slightly. "Don't listen to him!" Percy pleaded. "Come on."

Percy let go of Thea and tried pulling Tyson, but it was as effective as trying to pull a mountain. Tyson turned and faced the older cyclops. "I'm not a traitor."

"You serve mortals!" Polyphemus shouted. "Thieving humans!" Polyphemus threw his first boulder. Tyson swatted it aside with his fist.

"He doesn't serve them, he's their friend!" a young Hufflepuff said angrily.  Several student agreed with that student, not liking how the other Cyclops was talking about Tyson.

"Not a traitor," Tyson said. "And you are not my kind."

"Death or victory!" Polyphemus charged into the surf, but his foot was still wounded. He immediately stumbled and fell on his face. That would've been funny, except he started to get up again, spitting salt water and growling.

"Percy!" Clarisse yelled. "Come on!"

"No! They can't leave him!" Ted said angrily, as he heard Clarisse call for the son of Poseidon.

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