Chapter 52

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When the two finished eating, they looked slightly better, but not by much. By the time Petunia brought dinner to Harry, the soup was ice cold and he had to share it with Hedwig. Harry was barely half conscious when he heard tapping on his window.

"Hedwig...cut it out...stop it... I'm trying to sleep..." Harry groaned. The young boy opened his eyes and looked up, expecting to see his sister asleep in the makeshift bed next to him while Hedwig would be tapping the window. Instead, he found his sister opening the window to none other than his freckled friend Ronald Weasley.

Molly gasped, seeing her son hovering outside his best friend's window.

"He's going to get hurt!" Molly gasped. Arthur tried to reassure his wife but failed, as she was too worried about her son to even acknowledge her husband's help.

"Ron!" Harry breathed and crawled out of his bed, and with his sister's help, was able to stand up and talk to Ron through the metal bars. "Ron, how did you-? What the-?"

That's when Harry realized what was truly happening. His freckled friend was hovering in the air, inside a blue car driven by Ron's older twin brothers, Fred and George.

Students started cheering when they saw the entire group. The adults were looking worried at the situation the kids were in, but somehow, they knew that it was necessary for Harry and Thea.

"All right, Harry?" asked George.

"What's been going on?" said Ron. "Why haven't you been answering my letters? I've asked you to stay about twelve times, and then Dad came home and said you'd got an official warning for using magic in front of Muggles -"

"It wasn't me - and how did he know?"

"He works for the Ministry," said Ron. "You know we're not supposed to do spells outside school -"

"You should talk," said Harry, staring at the floating car.

"I don't think they charmed it."

"Oh, this doesn't count," said Ron. "We're only borrowing this. It's Dad's, we didn't enchant it. But doing magic in front of those Muggles you live with -"

"I told you, I didn't, but it'll take too long to explain now... look, can you tell them at Hogwarts that the Dursleys have locked me up and won't let me come back, and obviously I can't magic myself out, because the Ministry'll think that's the second spell I've done in three days, so -"

"Stop gibbering," Thea interrupted. "They came to take us with them."

"Take you where?"

"Molly do you have a secret hideout or something?" Sirius asked jokingly.

"What?" Harry seemed more confused than ever. "How...?"

"She was the one that sent us the address." Ron confessed.

"Of course she did."

Harry's eyes widened in realization, but his excitement died down when he looked at the metal bars. "But you can't magic us out either -"

"We don't need to," said Ron, jerking his head toward the front seat and grinning. "You forget who I've got with me."

The twins turned to Thea smirking. "Tie that around the bars," Fred said, throwing the end of a rope to Harry.

"If the Dursleys wake up, I'm dead," said Harry as he tied the rope tightly around a bar and Fred revved up the car.

"Don't worry," said Fred, "and stand back."

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