Chapter 19

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Hedwig and Athie were sitting on a stack of books in the Gryffindor common room, near the lit fire.

"Harry! Thea! Wake up! Common you two, wake up!" Came Ron's voice from the common room. When both Potter children ran only to see Ron standing in the middle of the common room, a smile on his face while he was wearing a Christmas sweater. Thea sagged in relief. "Happy Christmas, Harry. Happy Christmas, Thea."

"Happy Christmas, Ron." The siblings said in sync. Harry squinted slightly. "What are you wearing?"

The red haired boy looked down at the sweater. "Oh. Mum made it." He told his friends. "Looks like you've got one too! You too, Thea!"

The Potters and their friends turned to Molly looking grateful.

"Thank you Molly, truly." James said sincerely, meanwhile Euphamia hugged the young mother tightly.

Harry looked shocked while Thea smiled at her brother. "I've got presents?" he asked surprised, gaining a confused look from Ron.

"Yeah!" Ron nodded furiously. The Potter boy rushed down the stairs, causing his sister to go down as well. Ron pointed at a few wrapped presents. "There they are." He watched Harry open them while munching on candy.

Harry picked up a brown package with an envelope attached to it. "Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well." He read out loud. Thea straightened with a curious look on her face. When Harry looked up at the two, Ron shrugged while Thea nodded encouragingly. Harry opened the package, revealing a cloak.

The Marauders looked at each other excitedly, while Fleamont winked at his son.

"What is that thing?"

"Why would Potter keep this with someone before he died?"

"It's just an old cloak, what's the big deal?"

"What is it?" Ron asked as Harry held it up, inspecting it.

"It's some kind of cloak."

"Well, let's see then. Put it on." Harry did just that. "Whoa!" Ron gasped causing Harry to look down, only to find his body missing.

Almost everyone gasped.

"Blimey, Potter, how did you get an invisibility cloak?"

"Is that how you pull your pranks off?"

"Can you please show it to us?"

"My body's gone!" Harry gasped.

"That's an invisibility cloak." Thea told the pair.

"I'm invisible?" Harry whispered as he twirled around in the cloak trying to find his body.

"It's really rare." Ron said as he picked up the letter. "I wonder who gave it to you."

"There's no name. it just said use it well." Harry told him. Harry turned to his sister, who had a small smile on her face. "Aren't you going to open your presents?"

Thea went to the tree and picked up the large grey package. When she opened the box, there were an assortment of things. There were a bunch of Thea's favorite candies, two small plants, a mini replica of her sword, a jug of nectar, a Ziploc bag of ambrosia, a small velvet box, a few cans of spray paint, and a letter.

"Whoa! That's a lot of things! Who sent you all of this?" Ron asked amazed.

"My friends from America sent them." Thea said with a small smile. Thea picked up the envelope and opened it. Inside, was a letter and a picture. The picture was of her and everyone right before she left. She was standing between Annabeth and Grover, surrounded by all her friends. There was Clarisse, Charlie, Silena, Luke, Connor, Travis, Katie, Lee, Michael, Will, and Malcom. They were all smiling and laughing.

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