Chapter 7

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When they retreated to the Leaky Cauldron for the night, all Thea could think about was the fact that she encountered a monster on magical grounds, where she was assured, there wouldn't be. Sighing in annoyance, she got up from her lying position on the bed, fished out a golden drachma from her pouch and went to the bathroom. She moved the lit candle near the water. She sprayed the water lightly, causing a small rainbow to appear. She held the coin over her head.

"Oh, Iris, Goddess of the rainbow, show me Chiron at Camp Half Blood." She finished by throwing the coin into the rainbow. The rainbow started to shimmer and the imagine oh Chiron in his wheelchair, sitting in the living room of the big house was shown. "Chiron!" Thea called, causing the man to look up.

"What the fuck?"

"How did she do that?"


The man looked up and a soft smile graced his features. "Ah, Thea. How are you child?"

"I'm good, everything's great. We went to this magical street called Diagon Alley and got our supplies. I got a cat, by the way. You know, something funny happened when I was getting the cat, I was almost attacked by a drakane. Got rid of her before she could cause any real harm. Didn't you say magical locations have wards against monsters?" Thea says hurriedly. Chiron seemed stunned at the revelation.

"Maybe the wards are limited to the school and the area surrounding it? I'll talk to Hecate and get back to you. I truly don't want you to worry about monster attacks at school."

"Hey, Chiron? I was wondering if you could-" a figure came into view. The familiar face of Annabeth caused Thea to smile widely "Thea! How are you? How are things with your brother? And school? Tell me everything!"

Thea chuckled at her friend's enthusiasm. "Everything is good till now. We leave for school in tomorrow. Things with Harry are perfect, truly. Oh! I got a cat. She's black, has a green and a blue eye. I called her Nyx. I'll show her to you next time we IM."

"Alright, then. I'm happy for you. Please be safe, I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"Of course, Beth. You have nothing to worry about. I'll talk to you guys soon. Bye" Thea proceeded to move her hand causing the mist to dissolve.

"That thing was so cool!"

"Wait, why'd she lie to Annabeth? Isn't she her best friend?"

"Maybe she doesn't want her to get worried? I mean she did tell her that she had a bad feeling at the beginning of the movie" Regulus replied, quick to the defense of the girl.

Sirius looked at his brother from across the room, a mix of both longing and anger, before he shook his head and turned back to the screen.

"I don't think that's what she was talking about specifically, Reg." Narcissa said quietly so that only her little cousin would hear her.

When they were having breakfast the next morning, Harry seemed quieter than usual. This abnormal behavior didn't go unnoticed by the pair.

"You all right, Harry? You seem very quiet." Hagrid voiced out his thoughts, earning a small smile from Thea.

"He killed our parents, didn't he? The one who gave us our scars. You know, Hagrid. We know you do." Harry confessed, looking straight into Hagrid's eyes. The giant shifted uncomfortably, before sighing, giving into the stare that Harry was giving him.

"First - and understand this, 'cause it's very important - not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad. A few years ago, there was one wizard who went as bad as you can go. And his name was V- His name was V-"

"Maybe if you wrote it down?"

"No, I can't spell it. All right. Voldemort." Hagrid whispered his name. the moment he does, Thea's hand flew to her necklace, and her gaze was frantically darting all around the room. "You 'lright there, Thea?"

Everyone except Dumbledore, the Blacks, and some of his followers flinched at his name.

Being sure nothing was going to happen, Thea relaxed in her seat. "Voldemort? That's his name?" Hagrid tried to shush her. "I mean, there was no thunder, or lightning, or even a split in the earth that caused that wizard to fly out of or swallow us whole. You don't say his name out of fear, not because of the consequences that would happen if you Evoque his name."

Dumbledore's interest kept growing, seeing as she was brave, smart, and witty. He knew that he needed to have her on his side, no matter what.

Hagrid sighed before explaining "it was dark times. Dark times. Voldemort started to gather some followers, brought 'em over to the dark side. Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead. Your parents fought against him... but nobody lived once he decided to kill 'em. Nobody, not one. Except you two."

While Hagrid was telling the story, the screen showed what happened the night Lily and James Potter died. How Voldemort entered the cottage, how a red-head woman holding two children called for James, how the door was blasted off and jets of green light were seen. The scene shifted to Voldemort raising his wand at Lily, who stood protectively in front of the children. A jet of green hit her chest and she screamed in pain, falling on the ground. The two babies were shown, Thea managing to get in front of Harry, hiding his crying figure. Voldemort then raises his wand, pointing it at the two.

Everyone in the hall was silently crying. Lily and James were being held tightly by their family and friends. When their eyes met, they knew that they wouldn't hesitate to do it all again if it meant protecting their babies.

"Why would the Dark Lord try to kill two babies? That does not make any sense" Bellatrix asked, seeming surprised that her master went after two babies.

Regulus was still staring at the screen that showed a baby Harry hiding behind baby Thea.

"She's been fearless ever since she was a baby..." he whispers, in awe of the girl.

"Us? Voldemort tried to kill us? Two babies?" Thea asked furiously.

"Yes. Those ain't no ordinary cuts you have. Marks like those only come from being touched by a curse... and an evil curse at that."

"A cursed scar..." Remus whispers, his heart breaking for the pair.

"What happened You-Know-Who?" Harry asked hesitantly.

Thea rolled her eyes, not understanding why her brother wouldn't say his name. "Honestly, Harry. Just say his name. Fear of the name only increases the fear of the person himself, let alone give him power over you."

Some aurors, specifically Moody, were nodding their heads in approval.

Regulus, Rabastan, Sirius, and James all had smirks on their faces at the girl's bravery.

"Well, some say You-Know-Who died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there, still, too tired to carry on. But on thing's absolutely certain. Something about you both stumped him that night. That's why you're famous. That's why everybody knows your names. You're the boy who lived and the girl who lived. You see, many people think that you two are twins, so most call you the twins who lived." Hagrid explained to the pair.

"So let me get this straight. So, this psychotic asshole, who killed our parents, and then tried to kill us, is the only reason we're famous? Great. Just marvelous. We're famous for being parentless and targeted by an evil wizard. Bloody brilliant." Thea scoffs.

"Yay!" Regulus cheers sarcastically.

James and Lily choke on their breath at the girl's sarcasm, knowing it will only increase with age.

McGonagall was wondering how she was going to deal with, yet again, an extremely sarcastic Potter.

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