Chapter 107

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His eyes moved from the ocean to the sleeping figure in their boat. Thea was still unconscious, and her skin was scarily pale. He saw how Annabeth would shoot worried glances to her friend every few minutes.

As a distraction for both of them, Annabeth decided to share with Percy the findings she was able to collect from the ship wreckage. Annabeth had salvaged Hermes' thermos, that was empty by then, a Ziploc bag full of ambrosia, a bottle of Dr Pepper. Percy, luckily, still had the bottle of multivitamins that Hermes had given him, but the rest of his belongings had floated away when Scylla bit off his bag.

"And Thea still has her bag, which means there is probably some provisions inside," Annabeth added.

"Why don't we have some?" Percy asked her, confused why the girl hadn't already brought out some of the provisions that the daughter of Zeus had gotten for them.

"He's right."

"They should have some food or something to drink."

"She charmed it," Annabeth explained. "Anyone that tries to grab something from that bag ends up getting a smelly sock."

"That's my girl," James said with a proud smile on his face. His daughter was a troublemaker, just like him.

"She has your pranking wits, Prongs," Sirius said, patting him on his back proudly.

"A smelly sock?" Percy asked baffled.

Annabeth nodded. "If you keep trying multiple times, you might even end up getting the underwear of an Ares kid after training."

The Marauders and the Prewitt twins howled in laughter at the thought of Thea putting such a charm on her bag.

Regulus, Barty, and Evan all looked at one another, remembering the prank that they had pulled on one of the Gryffindors in their fifth year. They had charmed their locker to only produce smelly and old garments, despite how many times the elves cleaned their clothes.

"How?" the son of Poseidon asked, genuinely terrified and amazed. Annabeth shrugged, being as clueless as the other demigod.

They sailed for hours. The water in the Sea of Monsters seemed to glitter a brilliant green. The wind seemed fresh and salty, but it carried an unusual metallic scent, one that was similar to the smell of the wind when Thea would be on the verge of summoning a storm.

"Is that a bottle of water?" Percy asked, pointing to the semi full bottle of water that was floating in the water.

"That's good, at least they get to drink something and not die of dehydration," Marlene answered.

"Marls, it would take them like ten days to die of hunger and thirst," Lily answered quietly.

Annabeth gasped, and the pair started paddling with their hands to get to the bottle. When they finally got it, each one of them took a large gulp of fresh water, something they were both longing for.

The daughter of Athena was going to start drinking again, when Percy stopped her. He took out one of the vitamin jellies and dropped it in the water. Annabeth looked at him, horrified, but things started to make sense when he shook it in order to dissolve the jelly.

"What is he doing?"

"Did he really just waste their water?"

Once the multivitamin was fully dissolved in the water, Percy shuffled to Thea's side and fed it to her. Instantly, color returned to her cheeks, and she was no longer ghostly pale. Despite the radical change, Thea was still unconscious. The pair made sure that Thea was laying in the shade of the mast, as they passed each other the Dr Pepper bottle.

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