Chapter 4

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The scene changed, showing a bright and sunny campsite. The place looked like normal campgrounds, having a volleyball court, cabins, a mess hall, a strawberry field, a canoe lake, an amphitheater, and an operations center. What was considered unusual, was the presence of a forge, an arena, Pegasus stables, and a climbing wall that was dripping lava.

The scene focused on the arena, showing a young girl with jet black hair, a celestial bronze sword – who's blade was decorated by blue lightning bolts - in hand, getting in position to fight a nasty looking boy who was easily twice her size. Unlike the boy, the girl was witty and quick on her feet, she anticipated every move he made, giving her the upper hand. Withing seconds the boy had been disarmed, pinned to the ground, held at sword point. The sound of slow applause caused the girl to look up, she was greeted with the sight of her teacher standing next to an abnormally large man.

Blood-purists were appalled at the sight of a centaur. They were strong believers that half-breeds are an abnormality in the wizarding world.

"Well done, Thea!" the centaur said, smiling at the girl with electric blue eyes. He then turned to the girl that was observing two people fighting "Clarisse, if you don't mind, I'd like to borrow Thea for a bit."

"She's all yours, Chiron. She already beat everyone in the cabin" the girl said gruffly. She turned her attention to the younger girl, nodding. She nodded back before making her way towards the armor shed. She emerged a few seconds later, wearing shorts and an orange shirt with the letters CHB written in black. She was wearing two necklaces, a bead necklace that held four beads, the other was a bronze necklace with a miniature sword pendent.

People in the hall were too stunned to speak. No one knew how to react; they were all overwhelmed with the information they had just taken in. The Potters and their friends weren't able to take their eyes off of the girl with electric blue eyes, noting how much she looked like her father. Others were still trying to process the fact that children were fighting with swords in a summer camp. As for younger years, the majority of the boys were taken aback by the girl's beauty.

"What's up Chiron?" the girl asked. Her British accent was there, reminding everyone of her origins.

"Please follow me to the big house, there's something Hagrid and I would like to discuss with you." Chiron motioned to the man standing next to him, who looked close to tears. Thea, hoping to avoid the waterworks, simply nodded and made her way to the big baby blue house that was present on the edge of the grounds.

When everyone was seated with a cup of tea, Chiron motioned to Hagrid to give Thea an item. The large man fumbled with his pocket before retrieving a letter and handing it over to the girl. She hesitantly took it and started reading it.

Ms. T. Potter, Camp Half-Blood, Long Island, New York, United States of America.

She flipped the letter, showing a red seal. Thea proceeded to open the letter and started reading it.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

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