Chapter 57

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The scene changed, showing Thea walking down the train corridor, looking through the window of each compartment. When she reached the end of the corridor, she sighed and went into the last compartment. Inside, the twins, Hermione, Lee, Matteo, Theo, and Neville were all sitting waiting for her.

"I'm sure he'll turn up, T." Matteo told her, moving slightly to give her more room to sit.

She flopped down in the seat, looking slightly defeated. "I know, but it feels like things aren't going our way lately, so I'm just worried." She confessed. Everyone exchanged looks, having heard stories about living with the Dursleys.

"I love that she feels comfortable enough to show her vulnerability in front of them," James confessed.

"It's a matter of time before they corrupt her," Lily stated.

Alice turned to the redhead, her brow raised. "Is my son one of the people that are going to be corrupted or is he the one corrupting?" she bit.

Lily instantly shook her head. "Alice, your son is a nice Gryffindor boy, not a Slytherin."

Suddenly, Hermione jumped from her seat next to the window and glued her face to the glass. She slowly turned to the group, looking horrified.

"Thea..." she said slowly, "I think I figured out where Harry and Ron are..."

Not waiting for further explanation, everyone in the compartment jumped up only to find a blue Ford Anglia flying sideways, with the passenger door open; and Harry dangling from it. Somehow, they flew closer to the train and the boys' screams were audible.

Lily let out a scream when she saw her son dangling from the car, and James paled at the sight. James pulled Lily into his chest, not wanting her to watch if something where to happen to him.

Lily could feel James' heart pounding in his chest, while relieved her after thinking that she was the only one who cared for Harry.

Without hesitation, Thea manipulated the winds in order for Harry to get back in the car, and for the car to glide properly the rest of their journey to Hogwarts. When the car was out of their sight, everyone slumped in their seats.

"Hey Weasleys," Theo called after a moment of silence. The twins looked up, "if this is one of your pranks, it's really not cool."

There were some scattered chuckles, but the majority of the hall was still stunned at what was displayed before them.

The scene changed, showing Harry and Ron flying over the Forbidden Forest. The car suddenly jolted downwards before emitting a weird noise. It did that a few more times, which alarmed the boys greatly. Ron put his foot down on the accelerator, hoping it would get them to Hogwarts, but instead the engine died completely. The nose of the car dropped, and they were falling straight for the solid castle wall.

"Noooooo!" the boys yelled as Ron was trying to get the car to function again by whacking the dashboard.

Lily let out another scream and clung harder to James, who was too focused on his son's wellbeing to be bothered by the fact that the nails were digging into his arm.

"Watch out for that tree!" Harry bellowed, but it was too late. The car came crashing into the tree with an earsplitting bang, before they were dropped to the ground. Hedwig was shrieking in terror, while both boys were groaning in pain.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked urgently.

"My wand," Ron answered, his voice shaky to the point it almost sounded like he was whimpering. "Look at my wand..." he held up his broken wand. It had snapped, almost in two, and the tip was dangling limply, supported by nothing more than a few splinters.

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