Chapter 8

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The Potters, who were still with Hagrid, were seen walking through King's Cross Station. Each of them had a cart, their luggage, and pets. Some people were looking at Hagrid questionably, due to his size. Hagrid checks his watch, causing his eyes to widen.

"Blimey, is that the time? Sorry you two, I'm gonna have to leave you. Dumbledore'll be wanting his - well, he'll be wanting to see me. Now, uh, your train leaves in 10 minutes. Here are your tickets. Stick to it. That's very important. Stick to it." Hagrid hands the siblings the tickets before disappearing.

"Don't tell me you actually left them there, Hagrid" McGonagall said, as she rubbed her temples. Hagrid flushed bright red, chuckling embarrassedly.

"Platform 9 ¾? There's no such thing as Platform... and he left! Great. Just great." Thea sighs, rubbing her temples. "Okay, I think we should go to platform nine, we'll figure it out from there. There's most probably a magical entrance, just like in Diagon Alley." With that, the pair set off to find the platform.

"Blimey, this girl is wicked smart!"

"Are you sure she's Potter's spawn?" Severus asked his friends, earning a series of snickers.

"Well she definitely isn't yours, Snivellous. Her hair isn't greasy at all!" the majority of the hall laughed at that, causing Severus to become red in rage and embarrassment.

The two siblings wandered around the station, trying to find the platform. They saw many families walking towards their trains, people reuniting, people seeming focused on what they have in their hands. Harry thought it would be a good idea to ask a guard about platform 9 ¾, but he just got weird looks from the people who heard him. They were confused until the heard a woman talking loudly, followed by a few kids.

"It's the same year after year. Always packed with Muggles of course." Harry and Thea look at each other before they start following the family. "Come on. Platform 9 ¾ this way! All right, Percy, you first." The woman motions to a tall boy, who runs forward to the brick wall. Instead of hitting the wall, he went right through.

"Someone's been busy, eh Molly" Fabian teased his sister, as he nudged her side.

"Wow, Arthur, good job!" Gideon nodded his head at his brother-in-law.

The couple blushed furiously, causing laughter to erupt in the hall.

"Fred, you next" the woman says to one of the twins.

The two boys look at each other before turning back to their mother. "He's not Fred, I am!" the one she didn't call on said.

"Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother" the other one says, while his brother shakes his head in disapproval.

"Oh, Merlin help me..." Molly sighs.

"Oh, sorry George" the woman said motioning for her son to go through.

"She got them right the first time" Thea whispered to Harry who just gives her a confused look.

"I'm only joking, I am Fred" he said before dashing towards the wall, his twin hot on his heels. The woman shook her head at their antics while Harry stares in disbelief, Thea on the other hand fell into a fit of laughter.

"Our nephews"

"They're just like us"

"We're so proud" the Prewett twins finish in unison.

"Excuse me! C-could you tell us how to-" Harry tries to ask the woman.

"How to get to the platform? Yes, not to worry, dear. It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well" the woman answered, pointing at the youngest boy who smiled at the pair. "Now, all you've got to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous." She said, a reassuring smile on her face.

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