Chapter 17

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The Gryffindor quidditch team was seen walking to their posts, stopping before the doors. Harry looked back to his sister nervously, hoping that she would be sharing his worries, only to find her looking determined, standing between the Weasley twins.

"We get to watch their first Quidditch match, boys" James said excitedly to his friends, who smiled at him.

"Wait!" a Ravenclaw boy said loudly gaining everyone's attention. "Don't you want to place bets?" Instantly everyone started writing down bets and the hall had gain a slight buzz.

After about five minutes, the minister stood from his seat while folding a piece of paper that most probably had his bets written on it. "If you don't mind, we must proceed with the movie."

Oliver looked towards the nervous seeker. "Scared, Harry?"

"A little." He admitted.

"That's alright. I felt the same way before my first game."

"What happened?" Harry asked curiously.

"I, uh, I don't remember. I took a bludger to the head two minutes in. woke up in the hospital wing a week later." He answered sheepishly, causing Harry's nerves to grow.

The doors opened, revealing the quidditch pitch. All the team mounted their brooms and flew onto the pitch.

"Hello, and welcome too Hogwarts' first quidditch game of the season. Today's game: Slytherin versus Gryffindor!" Lee Jordan commentated. The crowd's cheers were deafening, proving just how much wizards loved the game. All the players flew around the pitch, warming up. After a few minutes, both teams lined up opposite to each other. "The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game!"

"Now I want a nice, clean game. From all of you!" Madam Hooch said, looking pointedly at the players.

"The bludgers are up, followed by the golden snitch. Remember, the snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the snitch ends the game!" Lee said into the microphone. Madame Hooch took the quaffle and tossed it into the air. "The quaffle is released and the game begins!"

Angelina grabbed the quaffle and dodged the Slytherin team chasers, but they were surrounding her. She passed the quaffle to Thea who zoomed past them, expertly dodging all their attempts as well as the bludgers that were sent her way. When she was close enough to the hoops, she threw the quaffle and watched it go through the side hoop after the keeper's futile attempt to stop the quaffle from going in. The Gryffindor supporters roared, as Thea flew back, high fiving her fellow chasers.

"Thea Potter scores! 10 points for Gryffindor!" Lee announced excitedly.

A few meters above, Harry was cheering for his sister and his teammates, when a bludger was sent his way, barely grazing him, startling they young boy.

"Harry, be careful would you!" Oliver chastised him.

"Slytherin takes possession of the quaffle. Bletchley passes to Captain Marcus Flint." Lee announced.

Flint kicked Angelina away and dodged the other chasers coming his way. He launches the quaffle at the hoop, only to be intercepted by Wood. The Gryffindor chasers tossed the quaffle back an forth, until Angelina made a discreet signal, earning a nod from Thea and Katie. The Potter girl flew between Katie and Angelina but was slightly behind them. Out of nowhere, Thea dove down. As the Slytherin chasers ambushed the older chasers, Angelina dropped the quaffle, only for Thea to catch it. She kept flying lower than the rest, past the hoop posts and then flying back up. She jumped off the broom, doing a backflip over the hoop, and launching the quaffle into the hoop and scoring. She safely landed on Katie's broom, who flew her to where her broom was hovering still.

James and his friends jumped from their seats cheering, while the entire hall followed.

Regulus was staring wide eyed at the screen but quickly started cheering alongside his friends that, thankfully for him, hadn't noticed his previous shock.

The entire crowd went crazy, Gryffindor and Slytherin supporters alike. "Did you see that?! Thea Potter, everyone! Another 10 points to Gryffindor curtsey of our newest chaser!"

The game continued, Slytherin and Gryffindor chasers going back and forth. During that time, the Slytherins showed some of their dirty moves like attempting to kick players off of their brooms, aiming both bludgers at Oliver and knocking him unconscious allowing the green team to score.

Everyone in the hall was either cheering or booing based on the team they supported.

Suddenly, Harry spotted the snitch and zoomed after it when his broom started jerking side to side. Harry struggled to regain control of the broom, catching the attention of everyone watching the game.

"It seems like your son can barely control his broomstick, Potter." Lucious gloated, looking as snob as evert.

"At least my son made the team in his first year, on pure talent might I add." James defended.

"What's going on with Harry's broomstick?" Hagrid asked from the stands. Hermione snatched the binoculars from the kid next to her. She watched Harry closely before she started scanning the crowd, and she focused on the teachers' box, where Snape was reciting something, unblinkingly.

Hermione gasped. "It's Snape! He's jinxing the broom!" She whisper-shouted to Ron.

James, along with everyone in the hall, turned to Snape with murder in his eyes.

"You jinxed my son's broom!? Are you that pathetic Snivellous?" He yelled at him, but the Slytherin boy looked just as shocked as everyone else. Severus quickly regained his composure and wore an indifferent face and shrugged, which only angered the Potter boy.

"Jinxing the broom? What do we do?" Ron asked panicked.

"Leave it to me." Hermione told him, as she handed him the binoculars and ran out of the stands.

Meanwhile, Harry was still on the uncontrollable broom in the middle of the quidditch pitch. His broom there him off, but he managed to hold on while it jerked.

"Harry!" Thea flew up to him. "Let me help you!" She extended her arm offering him help but he refused to take it.

"No! Go back to the match! I'll figure this out." He said stubbornly as he tried to regain his previous seat. Thea would have stayed beside him if her teammates didn't call for her help.

Below the teachers' box, Hermione managed to find where Professor Snape was sitting. She whipped out her wand and pointed at the edge of his robes. She whispered an incantation, and a vibrant blue fire erupted from her wand, and caught onto robes.

"Fire! You're on fire!" Someone in the stands says, shaking Snape out of his fixated muttering.

"What? Oh!" Snape jumps up, putting the flames out, accidently knocking the teacher behind him back which caused Quirrell to fall over. Harry's broom stops its erratic movements and Harry regains control.

In an instance, Harry had caught up the Slytherin seeker, and reached for the snitch. The pair shoved each other. They were neck to neck. The snitch dove down, and the young boys went behind it, as they started nearing the ground, the Slytherin boy get more and more nervous, causing him to pull back. Harry kept following the snitch. He manages to stand on his broom, but as he steps forward, he stepped onto the edge of the broom, which sent him tumbling onto the ground. The crowd winces and gasped when the Potter boy stood up and held his stomach, looking as though he was going to be sick. Thea touched down, just as Hermione and Ron emerged from the stand, looking worriedly at their friend.

"Looks like he's gonna be sick." Lee's voice rang across the pitch. Just then, Harry coughed up the golden snitch, catching it in his hands. "He's got the snitch! Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the golden snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Lee screams into the mic.

Harry raises the snitch in the air as everyone cheered for the team. The rest of the team touched down beside the boy and they all started celebrating while the crowd chanted for them.

All the Gryffindor supporters were cheering and jumping around. Some people looked disappointed as they were cashing up bets, while others looked triumphant.

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