1. The First Encounter

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She was running as fast as her flimsy shoes would allow her on uneven ground. She could hear the men that were after her shouting and getting closer each second. She grabbed with her right hand the crimson brooch on her neck. She could feel tears running down her face because she already knew what would happen in case she would get caught, and she would. She avoided looking back, thinking to herself that if she would not see them, they would be less real. But she was wrong, they were there and now even closer than before. She tried running even faster, she checked behind her back to see where her hunters were but, she slipped by twisting her ankle and fell over, making it easier for her capturers to catch her. After fighting back trying to get rid of them, she realised it was pointless to resist them, she would never manage to free herself from four men. So, with tears in her eyes and no hope, she gave up and stopped fighting back.

From the roofs of the town, a blonde young man saw the whole persecution and how the four men were forcing the helpless woman, who was around his age, into what looked like an abandoned building. He saw how the woman tried defending herself against her captors and how in the end, she just gave herself to them when she understood she did not stand a chance against them. The blonde man felt disgusted about the men and the way they were treating the defenceless woman, thus he felt like he had to do something about it. As the other men outnumbered him, he had to prepare a plan in order to free the woman and get out from there uninjured, which was probably the hardest part. After a couple of minutes passed since the men entered the building, he decided it was a good time to approach the area carefully without being spotted so he could have a closer look. Even though he was on his own against four men, he had the surprise factor in his favour, also ODM gear would give him some advantage. He could see how they tied the woman's hands together and covered her eyes with a dirty piece of cloth. Some of the captors were making inappropriate comments about the woman while one of them approached her and started to pull her underwear down. A small whining came out of her and immediately closed her legs in order to prevent the men from going any further.

"Oh, don't be shy, baby. I am not going to hurt you. Let's just have some fun." The man said getting closer to her with bad intentions. The woman was shaking but still managed to keep her legs crossed. When the other of the men got closer, she kicked him even with her eyes covered, which infuriated him.

"It appears that this brat does not know when to give up." The man went around her back and pulled her hair with rage, making her neck bend uncomfortably. "Come on! We just want to have some fun with you."

Another man went back to her legs while his colleague held her to prevent her from moving.
From the beams of the building, the young man prepared himself to attack. One of the men was guarding the main door while the other three were too busy entertaining themselves with the girl, so they would not expect anybody coming from above to attack them. He first got rid of the man guarding the door within seconds, making no noise. Then, he approached the main room quietly and then used his ODM gear to go back up to the beams of the building.

"What was that?" One of the men said, nervously.

"I am not falling for it, you got to wait your turn, mate." The other one said with a perverted smile while touching the breasts of the woman.

"I swear I saw someone, Matt. Something ain't right here..."

"Shut up guys, you are making our guest uncomfortable." The third one said with a perverted smile.

 "Do not worry baby, it is only us here." He said with a husky voice while caressing her face with his rough hands.

At that precise moment, the blonde man jumped back to the floor and started to attack the men with no repair. Although they were stronger than him, he had some factors on his side. He was faster and way more agile. He managed to knock out one of them but right after that, another one grabbed him. The blonde man used his ODM gear to free himself from the other guy and once he was high enough, he threw the man against the floor. The last one was waiting for him angrily on the floor. Again, the blonde man came down to the surface and placed himself between the woman and the big man.

"You don't know what you've got yourself into, boy..." The man said, defiantly.

"I don't think I am the one in trouble here, Sir." The blonde man replied mockingly with a mischievous smile.

Irritated, the old man ran against the blonde boy with a knife. They struggled for a couple of minutes until the old man raised his knife against the blonde but this last one managed to grab it on the sharp side and used the leverage against his opponent, who ended up on the floor with the knife that he brought pointing at his own desperate face.

"Oi, be careful with that. You don't want to hurt yourself...Here, let me hold it for you." The young man said mockingly. "Now I am serious. If you do not want to end up like your mates, I suggest you leave this place before I change my mind."
"You will pay for this, asshole!" The man yelled while abandoning the building.

After making sure it was safe to proceed. The blonde man approached the woman who was still shaking on the floor with her eyes covered. She did not see anything; she just heard the voices and the fight that took place.

"Hey, it is ok now. They won't hurt you anymore." He said softly. He kneeled in front of her and removed the bandage from her eyes slowly, curious to see what was hiding behind the dirty cloth that covered her face. She had the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen, but her gaze was sad and full of fear. He got lost in her green eyes for a couple of seconds and then he introduced himself to the young woman, trying to reassure her.

"My name is Furlan, and please do not fear me, I am going to help you to remove all these ropes." He continued. He realised that the men would have torn apart the girl's skirt, leaving her legs uncovered at a shameful length. "Please, take this." He said removing his cloak, he cursed himself under his breath when he realised he was blushing at that delicate situation. He offered her his cloak without hesitation and covered the woman with it. When the woman was free from her captive ropes, Furlan helped her to stand up and immediately turned around to give her some privacy so she could cover herself better.

The girl was just standing there, looking down and trying to stretch unsuccessfully, the cloak he gave her, so it could cover her legs more. She looked sad but most importantly she looked hopeless and when Furlan looked at her again, she felt sorry for her. He then noticed that she was bleeding, and the blood was now trespassing her ragged clothes.

"You are bleeding! Did they do that to you?" Furlan asked concerned.

The woman, who had not said a word yet looked down and saw the blood running down her leg. Then she fell to the floor making an abrupt sound. She grabbed her ankle with both her hands, and she realised she broke it when she was running away from the men earlier that day. Because of the panic and adrenaline, she didn't have realised until that moment. Furlan ran towards her trying to help her. She was still in shock from what she experienced. She could not trust Furlan, not yet at least. Although he saved her from a terrible destiny, nothing was for free in the Underground, and she did not know what Furlan's real intentions were.

"It is ok. I can see your ankle is badly swollen. Let me help you." He added, reassuring her with a shy smile. Something about his kind face and soft expressions made her feel safe. She wondered for a couple of seconds whether to trust him or not and in the end, she grabbed Furlan's hand, accepting his help.

Furlan carried her on his back, still with the ODM gear on. "I am going to take you home, so you can rest. Whereabouts do you live?" He asked. The girl looked at him and for the first time, she spoke.

"I do not have a home anymore. I have nowhere to go..." She said quietly, trying to hold back tears. Furlan remained silent after the woman's response. A hit of the reality of what was like to live in the Underground and the conditions some people had to live in. He was a witty guy, but he did not know what to say. After a couple of seconds, he had a new idea.

"That's fine. I will take you to my house, and I will take care of your wounds if that is ok with you."

The woman hesitated for a second, she did not have any other choice, she either trust him or she would die in the streets, thus she chose to accept his help.

"Oh, by the way. We are not walking so make sure you grab on tight." Furlan smirked.

The woman was really confused by that comment, nonetheless, she obeyed her rescuer and clung to his neck tightly. Some minutes later, they were flying through the roofs of the Underground, and for the first time, she felt free.

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Where stories live. Discover now