3. Apology

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Somebody knocked at the door softly. The light was slightly filtering through the window. Ella was still sleepy, and she took a couple of minutes to realise that she was not in her room, therefore that meant that what happened yesterday was real, not a bad dream.

"Ella. Are you alright?" Furlan called out from the door. She sat on the bed and wiped her eyes removing the sleep from her face. Furlan knocked again.

"Yes, yes... I am ok." She mumbled.

Furlan entered the room with a wooded tray. He was wearing the same clothes that he was wearing the day before, his clothes were a bit wrinkled, and he seemed tired, Ella wondered for a moment if he even got some sleep, in the end, she had taken his room.

"Good morning! I brought you some breakfast!" He announced putting the tray closer to her. "Did you manage to get some sleep at all? You screamed a couple of times last night and I thought you were having a nightmare..." Furlan could see how Ella's face turned red when she heard that.

"I am so sorry for disturbing you." She replied, covering her face with her hands.

"Oh, do not worry. I understand yesterday wasn't your best day. But anyway, are you or your ankle feeling any better?" He asked kindly. Ella took a look at her injured leg. She forgot about the pain until Furlan reminded her, damn it. She still couldn't move it.

"It is doing better" She lied.

"Good!" He replied energetically. "Anyway, it is better for you to not move much so you can recover sooner. You can stay here, just give me a shout if you need anything. And please, eat something, you are still weak." Furlan added while going towards the door.

"Furlan." She called shyly. He looked at her, tilting his head wondering what she had to say. "I cannot pay you for any of this. The food, a warm shelter, the clothes and your hospitality...I know things are tough at the moment, but I think is best if I go somewhere else." She continued.

"I am not expecting anything in return. So do not worry." He replied determined.

"But nothing is for free here in the underground. I learned that when I was just a kid." She replied back, confused. Furlan could notice how she was getting agitated with the conversation. "You already did much for me and I have nothing to offer you, I do not want to get myself in trouble." She said anxiously.

"Ella." He stopped her from keep talking. "Saving you from those men and bringing you here was my decision. I do not expect any payment or favours from you in exchange for my hospitality. I am just doing the right thing." He said calmly. Ella hesitated for a moment before saying anything, but Furlan read her intentions.

"Do not say anything else, please. Eat your breakfast and get well, that is all I am asking for..." Furlan insisted patiently. Ella nodded obediently and watched him leave the room. 

She was not even sure what time it was, but from the sound on the streets, she guessed it was almost noon. She had no plans and nothing to do, she couldn't even walk anyway, therefore she would dedicate herself to recover from her wounds as soon as possible in order to leave the house. She ate the breakfast eagerly and left nothing on the plate. She thought about Furlan dedicating his time to prepare a nice breakfast for her, he was definitely very kind. She even felt a bit of remorse after her last chat with him in which she assumed he was having second intentions. But couldn't he be just nice? Still, she had her doubts about him although she wanted to believe that he was just her saving angel that appeared when she needed him the most.

Again, someone was knocking on the door and the sound woke her up abruptly. She realised she would have fallen asleep again. Furlan peeked his head out the door to check if his host was awake. She gave him a shy smile from the bed while a yawn came out of her mouth.

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang