2. My home is your home

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She lost track of time whilst they flew over the underground city. Only when Furlan was starting to descend, she understood they were arriving at their destination. The neighbourhood was not so different from the others there in the underground, dirty streets, homeless people begging for a fistful of coins, stray cats fighting for a rotten piece of fish. Some children were playing on the streets with a deflated ball, for their innocent souls there was nothing more and they were happy that way, at least for now.

"We are almost there. Let me carry you otherwise, you will make the injury worst." Furlan said. The girl stayed on his back still grabbing his neck, not as tight as before. Furlan went upstairs and then open an old wooden door on the left-hand side of the stairs.

He placed the injured woman on the sofa kindly, trying not to hurt her more.

"Well, this is where I live, it is not much but this is all I have. Make yourself comfortable. I am going to bring some clean cloths and water so you can clean those cuts on your leg." He added from the distance.

"Furlan..." The woman called. He turned around and looked back at her. "Thank you..." She added looking down. He smiled at her and left the room in silence.

In the meantime, the girl took a look around. It was a humble place, really tidy and organised, probably because people in the Underground did not have many belongings anyways, but she could tell that the people in this house did take care of it. After some minutes, Furlan came back to the room carrying many things in his hands. He kneeled next to her and put all the objects on the sofa.

"I thought you would need some clean clothes too, so I brought some old clothes that do not fit me anymore...Feel free to take it." He offered. "Now, I will give you some privacy so you can clean those cuts and put some clothes on. Then I will take a look at your ankle." He explained. The girl nodded and when Furlan left the room, she started to clean immediately the wounds with water and clean rags. Hopefully, the wounds would not get infected. Once she was done, she struggled to put on some of the clothes Furlan gave to her. He was taller than her, so even though those clothes were now small for him, they were still quite baggy on her.

Furlan came back to the living room after some minutes and found the girl sitting on the sofa with some of his old clothes on. He smiled to himself, he was relieved to know that she was accepting the help offered so far.

"Are you ready now? Do you mind if I take a look at your ankle?" He asked from the corner of the room. The girl nodded once again and waited for Furlan to come closer. He kneeled in front of her and grabbed her injured leg. Her ankle was terribly swollen, and she could barely move it. A small whine came out of her mouth. She was trying to contain herself but now that she was feeling more relaxed, she could feel the pain much more.

"What happened?" Furlan asked looking at her. The girl took a deep breath before answering his question.

"They were chasing me, so I ran as fast as I could, but I twisted my ankle. It was hurting me, but I just kept running until they got me... I think I might have broken it." She said concerned. Furlan smiled again at her. Something about his kind smile made her feel safe, she could also feel how her cheeks blushed.

"I can assure you your ankle is not broken. You just twisted it and then forced it, but the pain will go soon." He explained. "Let's put some bandage on it and you will see how you feel better."

Furlan grabbed some bandages and immersed himself in the task, making sure her ankle was absolutely immobilized. The woman looked at him and admired how, even though they did not know anything about each other, he decided to put his life at risk just to save hers.

"Ella." She suddenly said. Furlan looked at her confused. "My name is Ella." She repeated.

"That is a nice name. Nice to meet you, Ella." He added with a big smile. 

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Where stories live. Discover now