18. New experiences ***

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Ella went to get some water and cloths to treat his wounds. Furlan went to his room and waited patiently for the girl to come back. Some minutes later, Ella entered the room with the things she needed for the task. Furlan sat on the bed obediently and removed his shirt effortlessly. After these couple of days, he was feeling much better, and the pain was barely noticeable. Ella sat next to him in silence. She removed the bandages across his torso with her fingers delicately. Images from the first time she saw him shirtless mixed with the first time they kissed came to her mind, making her hands shake uncontrollably. She grabbed the wet cloth and passed it through the healed cuts, removing the dried blood stuck to his skin. She noticed that those cuts would forever stay on his body as scars.

Ella passed her delicate fingers slowly through the scar, tracing its trajectory from side to side. A quick shiver ran through Furlan's body. She felt his breathing quicken second by second, and so was hers. Furlan moved closer to her and put his face in front of hers, causing their ragged breaths to come together. After looking at each other for a couple of seconds consumed by desire, he kissed her slowly. She let a small sigh out. He pulled her towards him and continued kissing her, more fervently. She could feel her heartbeat increase gradually. On the other hand, Furlan felt the room heating up and, the blood in his body rushing down to his lower part. Suddenly, Furlan interrupted the kiss trying to contain his desires, unsure of Ella's thoughts. She understood quickly what Furlan was wondering, so she placed her soft hand on his cheek and kissed him gently as an invitation. Then, she grabbed his hand and directed it toward her chest shyly. Furlan's eyes opened wide and couldn't avoid blushing by invading her body like this, but he could feel the burning desire in her eyes too. He then started massaging her breasts gently, making Ella groan louder than before. She passed her hands through his naked torso avoiding the area where the cuts were. His abdomen was firmer than before, she felt the way his body was contracting with every touch. Furlan started undressing Ella's top between kisses, slowly, as if he was savouring the moment with delight. 

Both of them had their torsos exposed. Furlan examined the woman's body like it was a masterpiece. He had imagined her body more times than what he would like to admit, but now she was there half-naked for him, just for him. Furlan approached her slowly and started kissing her body, from her lips down to the chin across her pale neck. She wanted more and he wanted to give it to her. He touched one of her breasts with his hand and kissed the other. The cold touch of his lips on her skin made her nipples react, getting pointier. Furlan put the nipple in his mouth, licking it gently. Ella lifted his head and kissed him, placing her small hand between his legs, where she could feel his member getting harder. Furlan did the same, still with one hand on her breasts, he took the other one and placed it between her legs, which opened inevitably to his touch. Straight away, Furlan stood up and hold her. She placed her legs around his back and kissed him eagerly. Then, he placed her on the bed kindly, climbing on top of her, where he kissed her one more time tenderly.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked still unsure, caressing her face. Ella took a deep breath before answering.

"Never been this sure." This time, Furlan kissed her passionately. He had been waiting patiently for this moment for a long time, imagining her naked body in front of him countless times. From the day he rescued her, he had felt attracted to her, but then felt something more for her that continued growing inside of him and now he knew what it was, it was love and he wanted to show her how much he loved her but words were not enough.

Ella could feel how she was getting humid. She wasn't very familiar with that feeling however, she understood the meaning of it. She wanted him; her body wanted him. She was still lying on her back and Furlan removed her bottoms nervously, making her completely naked. It was the first time somebody was seeing her completely naked however, she didn't feel uncomfortable but glad that she had the choice to choose her partner. Furlan however, couldn't stop admiring her naked body from head to toe. Her relaxed face showed him how comfortable she was, her eyes were still looking at him hungrily. Her perfect-sized rounded breasts captured his attention for a minute, he had the impulse to caress them. Then he turned his eyes towards the middle part, making him blush immediately. Ella couldn't help but chuckle timidly at his cute reaction. 

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Where stories live. Discover now