7. Mother

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She wasn't feeling that tired. She already had rested enough during these previous days, the shock was still there but now she felt safer and actually welcomed. She lay down on the bed and started to think about what she would like to do after her recovery. Her dream was to get out of the Underground, just like any other rational person would do, but that dream was simply unachievable, at least for somebody like her. Suddenly, she found herself thinking about her future, she could find a job somewhere, she was hardworking so she could easily find something, and after saving, she could open her own business. There were too many things to think about, she had never been on her own, and that would be the most challenging part. Her mother always supported her, in all possible ways but she wasn't there anymore, and she just had to deal with it and survive somehow in that cruel world. She fell asleep thinking of her mother and the wonderful woman she was, she could not avoid tearing up at her memory. She never failed her, not even once. God, she missed her a lot and the worst part is that she didn't have anything from her, only the memories of a sad childhood in disguise. That night Ella saw her mother again. Her voice was as soft as always and her kind smile reassured her tenderly. When she woke up at Furlan's call on the door, she realised everything was a dream, but it felt so real. She remembered her mother whispering something to her, but she couldn't remember what she said exactly.

Furlan entered the room announcing himself with breakfast on a wooden tray just like the previous days. Ella, who heard him when he first knocked was sitting on the bed with her hands holding her head.

"Hey, are you alright?" Furlan asked, concerned about her. He had to ask twice before getting an answer.

"I saw her." Ella whispered. "I saw her. I saw my mother." She insisted. 

Furlan was really confused after that sentence. It was the first time Ella mentioned someone from her family. He knew she didn't have a home, but she never mentioned anything about her mother. Furlan thought about adding something but, he realised he didn't have anything to say, so he waited for her to continue.

"In my dreams. She seemed worried and she was trying to tell me something, but I couldn't hear it. I think she was warning me..." Ella said still with her head between her hands. "Do you think that could mean something?" She asked looking straight into his eyes. Furlan got pale, that wasn't the type of conversation he was expecting at eight o'clock in the morning. He simply didn't know what to say. He shrugged. 

"Hmm, I guess you will have to find out...Coffee?" Furlan offered her, changing the topic. Ella took the mug, brushing accidentally his hand lightly. She felt how Furlan tensed at their quick touch of hands

"Thank you." She said taking a sip of the coffee. "Sorry... I didn't mean to freak you out... The thing is my mother died not too long ago." When she said not too long ago, she actually meant only four days ago, more precisely the day that Furlan and her met. But she wasn't ready to tell that story yet. She was trying to erase that memory from her mind, but damn, it was difficult.

"Oh, I am sorry to hear that... I didn't..." Furlan vacillated. 

"It is ok, you didn't know because I never told you." She said with a gentle smile. "Anyway, are you also going out today?" 

"Yes, we will be gone for some hours, but it won't be as long as yesterday. But the good news is that I found you some clothes from Levi and me that you could amend for us... If you feel like it, of course." Ella chuckled. It is not that she had anything better to do, besides it would help her to kill time during the men's absence. Furlan took the small pile of clothes and placed it next to her.

"Well then... I better get going. Have a good day, Ella." Furlan waved at her from the doorframe and winked his eye with a big smile. Ella returned the wave, blushing. He definitely had something.

The day went very slowly but at least now she had something to do. She couldn't stop thinking about that dream, about her mother. There was something there that was concerning her, and she had to find out what it was. Ella knew it was only a dream but what if it was a sign too? Her mother was a wise woman. She always had that instinct to know when something was not going well and always used to tell Ella to choose wisely her company. She always knew in regards to everyone, except for herself, of course. And that is why she got killed. Ella wondered for a moment if her mother saw that coming or if her instinct just failed her. Whatever it was, it was already too late.

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Where stories live. Discover now