14. My favourite place Part 1 *

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A/N: Fluff chapter

As the days went by, Ella became more comfortable around the house. She felt welcome and useful and, for the first time in a long time, she felt like she was part of something. The relationship with her new housemates was improving day to day. As Levi promised, they continued providing her with shelter and food, but of course, she was the one doing the cooking as she was the best cook out of the three of them. Furthermore, Furlan watched over her safety day in day out and, although she didn't realise, so was Levi. Now she was completely healed, and she could walk as normal, although the shock would chase her overnight, she was learning to live with it. The boys continued along with their business. Ella used to keep her distance from that matter however, she was always willing to help them out whenever they required her, especially for accounting tasks. During her free time, while the men were busy, she used to read the poem book Furlan gave her. As this book was the only one she had, she knew some of the poems by heart. Eventually, when Levi realised she would have been reading the same book for weeks, he offered her some of his own. Ella, at first was hesitant but then she accepted the books delighted. However Levi was very clear, they were not a gift but lending. Ella was impressed that someone from the Underground had so many books on his power. Of course, she kept that thought to herself. Furlan was happier now that Levi finally seemed to accept the woman in. Things were definitely going well for them.

One day not too long after the last nightmare episode, Ella was peacefully sitting on the sofa whilst mending some ragged clothes. Both Levi and Furlan just came back home after an early start. As always, Ella was happy to see them, she was still spending too much time on her own. Furlan knew it and he used to blame himself for that. Whenever he would ask her how she felt about spending so much time alone, she would lie saying that she was fine, that she could understand they were busy, the thing is that she simply said that to not hurt his feelings. He could feel that she would love to spend more time together. Even he would love to spend more time with her too, unfortunately, sometimes it was just impossible. Usually, the three of them would have dinner together and many nights Furlan and her would stay up a bit longer, talking. They could talk about anything and make time freeze. They enjoyed each other's company very much, but sometimes that wasn't enough. However, that day would be different.

"Ella! We are back." Furlan announced energic.

"Hi! Welcome home." She replied back. "How was your day?" She asked Furlan while helping him with the load he was carrying.

"Intense." Levi replied harshly before Furlan had time to respond.

"Anyway, what have you been up to today?" He asked her. Ella just smiled shyly trying to hide the boredom that accompanied her the whole day. "I see... In that case, would you like to go for a walk around with me?" Furlan offered. Suddenly, her green eyes got brighter, and excitement was all over her face. Then she looked doubtful at Levi who was already serving himself a cup of tea.

"I would love to, but do you think Levi minds?" She asked unsurely.

"Oh, not at all! I think Levi would love to get rid of me for a change." 

"He is right. I had enough of him today." They heard Levi mumble from the other side of the room. "He is your problem now."

Furlan put his cloak on and hid the ODM gear he was still wearing. Levi had given up already telling Furlan about not using the gear for leisure purposes. When it was about being stubborn, Furlan was the winner. Ella grabbed his arm and they both left the house behind.

"The other day you took me to a special place for you and today I want to return the favour". He spoke. "And to go there, we have to use this." He added with a mischievous smile, showing a bit of the ODM gear hidden under the cloak.

"I am sure it will be a really special place if you have to reach it by using the gear." She added thoughtfully.

"You can't even imagine."

Once they arrived at a dead end by walk, Furlan started to adjust the stripes of the gear. Then, he passed his cloak to Ella and indicated her to jump on his back. The woman didn't even hesitate. She remembered the first time they met and how confused she was when he said they wouldn't walk. The intimidating feeling of being at such a height and how it got evaded to give place for a freedom feeling. Now she wasn't scared of flying with him anymore, in fact, she loved it. 

"Well then... Do you trust me, Ella?" He asked with in serious tone.

"More than anything." She replied confidently. Furlan smiled to himself, satisfied with her answer. Ella grabbed on tight to his neck pulling herself much closer to him, pressing her body to his, making Furlan somehow nervous. 

"Then I want you to do something for me. Close your eyes and do not open them until I tell you to. I want this place to be a big surprise." He added.

"Understood." She said while closing her eyes slowly.

A minute later she could feel the trapped cold air on her face. They were already flying. She couldn't avoid smiling at the feeling of freedom. By keeping her eyes closed was taking the experience to a whole new level of excitement but, she wasn't scared at all. She trusted him with all her heart. Not too long after, she could feel how they landed on a rocky surface. Her eyes were still closed. Furlan held her by the arm and directed her carefully across the path, helping her on the irregular surface.

"Almost there now. Keep your eyes closed." He encouraged her.

They walked an extra couple of meters and Furlan stopped however, he continued holding her hand.

"Oh, perfect timing." He exclaimed happily. "Now, Ella. Open your eyes."

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Where stories live. Discover now