39. The visitor

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It was only a week since Nina visited her last. Ella didn't expect any visits but she suddenly heard someone knocking at the door abruptly, which woke up little Furlan. Annoyed, Ella went to get the door and her eyes opened in surprise when she saw Levi on the other side. She realised that for the first time, since they both arrived at the surface, he was not wearing his uniform but his civilian clothes, therefore he was not on duty.

"Levi! I didn't expect..." She muttered surprised.

"I've received your letter." He interrupted, showing off a crumpled piece of paper that she recognized straight away. She could feel her cheeks heating up and turning red due to the embarrassment. How was it possible that he got this letter if she never got to send it? Suddenly, all the pieces came together, and instead of being embarrassed, she was furious. 

"Nina..." She cursed under her breath. Levi seemed indifferent about the whole situation. Ella had no other option than to invite him home after the whole misunderstanding however, she was acting a bit more reserved than usual and Levi noticed it, but he did not want to overwhelm her.

"Is there...Anything wrong?" He asked, confused.

"Yes! No...Well, I just..." She stammered shyly.

"Let's go outside. You could use some air." He proposed. Ella looked at him still blushed and nodded in agreement. She grabbed Furlan and the three of them left the house.

"I see you are not wearing your uniform today." She remarked, trying to break the ice.

"Soldiers deserve days off too." He stated. 

They walked for a few minutes until they arrived at the valley located at the end of the village and sat on the grass. Summer was almost over but the days were still nice and sunny, and the temperature was just perfect. Ella showed Levi how Furlan was learning to walk and as soon as the baby fell asleep, the two of them remained silent next to each other,  contemplating the landscape and the walls that grow erected in the distance.

"Are you still in love with me?" She asked out of nowhere.

"Tch. Beg your pardon?" He replied, sarcastically.

"Do you still love me?" She insisted bluntly.

"Where is all this coming from now?" Levi said, visibly annoyed.

"Is it really that difficult to answer a simple question?!" 

"Maybe I could ask you the same question considering that you still have not told me what that letter was about." He replied. Ella bit her lip; he had a point.

"The letter was a misunderstanding." She finally said. "I don't have anything to do with it."

"Your signature is on it." He pointed out. How did things even turn out this way? She was the one making questions and now he was interrogating her about the damn letter. 

"Yes, I wrote the letter, but I never send it. Someone sent it without my permission." Ella complained.

"I see..." 

"Look, I'm sorry you came all the way here because of that. As I wrote, I know you are busy, and I appreciate you coming here but..." She tried defending her position. 

"I came here because you asked me to."

"But I didn't send it, so I was not expecting you here!" She rose her voice trying to regain some power over the conversation, but unsuccessfully.

"But you wrote it, which means that when you did, you wanted me to come here. Isn't that right Ms. Church? Unless you might have changed your mind." He added quite satisfied, he knew he was right.

"That is...That is not..." She stammered shyly. Levi had this attitude that could make her go weak. After so many years of knowing each other, she still did not know how to process him. His deep voice questioning her and his cold-grey eyes piercing hers so determined were driving her crazy.

"Then what is it? After all the things we have been through, and you cannot even be honest with me..." He said disappointed. Ella sighed and took a deep breath before opening her mouth.

"I did write the letter and I wanted you to come. But I just did not have the courage to send it or to face you, but somehow you have received it and, now I'm involved in this crazy situation with you!"

Levi processed each of her words in his mind.  He didn't say anything else, he was satisfied with her answer. Ella's cheeks were still red, and she was facing the complete opposite direction to avoid meeting his eyes. She had never imagined ending up having this conversation with him. But here they were, and now it was impossible to scape. 

Word count: 778

Where do you think this little chat is going to take them?

Cheeky Levi hasn't replied to the question yet...

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu