25. Farewell

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The morning of the job, the three friends prepared all the things they needed for their mission. Even though she didn't manage to have a long sleep, Ella still woke up early to prepare a filling breakfast for everyone, it would be the last time they would all eat breakfast together in a while.

Isabel and Furlan ate their food enthusiastically, but Levi simply had a cup of tea while taking care of the last preparations. After breakfast, Furlan and Isabel ran upstairs to grab the equipment they were missing while Ella and Levi cleared the table. Isabel entered the room again with the ODM gear on, ready for her adventure.

"Levi-bro! What are you waiting for? Furlan and I are waiting for you." Levi sighed; Isabel sure had so much energy early in the morning.

"Isabel." Ella called kindly. "Aren't you going to say goodbye? It looks like you are in a rush already." She added with a sweet smile. The young girl ran towards Ella, opening her arms to give her a hug.

"Oh, Ella. I am going to miss you so so much! Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" She asked innocently.

"I would love to, but I would just be a heavy burden for all of you. I am not as great with the gear as you guys are. Besides, somebody will have to take care of the house, right?" Ella explained. Isabel vacillated for a second, it sounded like a mere excuse, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she hugged the woman keenly. It was incredible how close the two of them had become since they both met not that long ago. Isabel saw in Ella a motherly figure she never got to experience before, while Ella accepted the young girl as a little sister to protect and teach life experiences.

"Just be careful and listen to the boys. They are annoying sometimes, but they know what is best." She advised her with a wink.

"Oi, I heard you!" Furlan exclaimed playfully as if he was offended. Right after that, Levi appeared, wearing the ODM gear too. They were ready to go.

"Grab your things, we are leaving." Levi ordered. The other two obeyed him with no questions asked. Ella accompanied them to the main door, where they farewell one more time. Furlan seemed nervous and Levi understood that the couple needed some minutes to say goodbye.

"I won't be long." Furlan said to his friend. Levi nodded understanding.

"Come on, Isabel. Let's get going." Levi ordered afterwards to the young girl.

"But what about Furlan?" She moaned.

"Don't be a brat, brat. He'll come after us." He insisted, pulling her sleeve. She complained about something they couldn't hear but, in the end, she just followed Levi. The two of them walked away from the house leaving the couple alone.

"I had hopes that this day wouldn't come...I do not care about any rewards you have been promised. Just make sure you return." Ella said.

"We will return before you can blink." He replied with a wide smile. Ella offered him a sad smile and hugged him tightly, hiding her tears.

"I already miss you, Furlan. Just come back to me, please." She begged, containing her sobs.

"I will be back as soon as possible, sweetheart. I love you more than anything." He said and kissed her forehead. Ella looked at him intensely and without hesitation pull him from his shirt towards her, making their lips connect in a brief but passionate kiss that would remain forever.

"Whatever happens, don't forget that I will always love you." He said one last time before leaving. He was also worried, but he tried to keep his composure to reassure her.

"I love you, too." She replied back in a whisper, but he was already running towards his friends and didn't hear her. She stood by the entrance door still with the taste of their last kiss on her lips, watching the trio depart to an adventure in which their fate wasn't clear enough.

"Ella!" Isabel shouted from the distance. "Take care while we are away!" She continued innocently waving at her friend. Furlan also waved from the distance to the woman he loved. Ella smiled tenderly wiping her tears with one hand and waving back at them with the other.

"Good luck!" She shouted energetically from the house. Then the three of them walked away, and their silhouettes got lost forever in the distance and, she wondered when she would see them next. Little did she know that this would be the last time they would see each other.

Word count: 770

Casually chopping onions :'(

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