15. My favourite place Part 2 *

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A/N: Fluff chapter

Slowly, Ella opened her eyes wandering where she was. She looked up. When she realised where they were, she stepped back in amazement. Her lips opened in surprise, not believing her eyes. The orange sunset sky appeared beautifully before their eyes. A group of birds flew all over the sky.

"Furlan..." She started. "Furlan, this place is..."

"Pretty great, huh?" The young man interrupted. 

"It is simply marvellous, just like a dream." She added. For the first time, she could feel the exterior pure air on her face, the singing of a lonely bird, and the sweet breeze moving the leaves on the trees that grew in the cave. Furlan took a moment to appreciate her with the sunset lights. She was looking as beautiful as always but of course, he didn't have the courage to tell her. The peaceful expression on her face made him feel that bringing her here had definitely been worth it.

"Should we take a sit?" He offered kindly. Ella followed him and they both sat on the mossy rock right under the cavity that allowed the sky to be seen. She was still astonished, unable to pronounce any words.

"Now I have no doubts why this is your favourite place." Ella said without taking her eyes out off the sky. They were so bright. "How did you find a place like this?" She finally asked.

"After we got our hands on the ODM gear it wasn't that complicated to reach this place. We found it by chance." He explained briefly.

"I just wonder why you haven't left this place yet. You definitely have the tools to escape." She said, not realising how her words could affect him.

"What for? They would find out that I don't have papers to be above and then what? They would send me back here and would take the gear from us or much worse, they will punish me or execute me for theft and my criminal record." Furlan replied bitterly. He realised that maybe he went too far with that comment and that Ella didn't mean it in an accusatory way. "Although, I would lie if I say I didn't think of it." He added nicely.

"I see." She replied shyly.

"However, I didn't say that I won't leave this place. I will leave as soon as I have the right to do it. That is why Levi and I are working so hard lately. We are making as much money as possible to purchase the rights to live above. You know... those greedy bastards continue rising the prices day to day. At this rate, it will take us too long until we actually manage to get something decent." Furlan complained.

"I know you will make it. I believe in you, Furlan." She said with a sad smile while trying to hide her true emotions. The idea of getting separated from him hurt her much more than she would like to admit.

"Hey, why the long face? You didn't think I excluded you from this plan, did you?" He added with his usual friendly smile. Her face showed certain confusion.

"What do you mean?" She asked confused.

"It means that you are coming too. I promised you that I will get you out of this shithole. You deserve good, Ella. And I want to give that to you." Furlan said confidently. Ella looked at him, shocked by his powerful promise. Was he really willing to offer such a thing to her?

"But Furlan, this is your hard work. I don't deserve to benefit from it." She justified.

"So what? You told me the other day that you dreamt of going outside, so I will make sure that happens. Besides, you are helping us too." Furlan insisted nicely. Her bright eyes filled with tears and her lips draw a shy smile.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Furlan asked concerned, passing his arm around to comfort her. 

"Nothing is wrong, Furlan. I just can't believe that you are willing to do something like this for me. You already did so much, and still..." She sobbed quietly, unable to control her emotions. Furlan looked at her, she could really melt his heart within seconds. 

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Where stories live. Discover now