13. Fear

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When they came back home, Furlan was in a much better mood. Levi just pretended nothing happened and they all had some food together without sharing a word. After they all finished, Ella helped Levi to clear the table. The short man declined her help, but she was stubborn and pretended she wasn't listening to him so, in the end, they both did the task together. Before she went to bed, someone knocked at the main door. She was curious as she never saw anybody visiting the owners of the house. It was a small group of young men, probably Levi and Furlan's gang. Now that she knew everything, Levi decided it was time to put things back to normal. Ella made her way to the room without introducing herself or letting Furlan to do so. She could hear the men's voices downstairs laughing and talking about their things. She was happy for the pair to have a close group to have fun with. Ella actually never experienced something like that as her parents were quite protective and, usually told her not to trust anybody. The only friend she ever had was Nina, a girl couple of years younger than her. She was a neighbour and every so often they used to play together, but they hadn't seen each other for years now. Ella wondered what would be of her childhood friend Nina. Was she still alive? if so, where was she? Why did she never come back to her? For a long time, she couldn't get Nina out of her mind but in the end, she fell asleep remembering their childhood together.

Panic. Fear. Murder. Fire. Remorse.


She was screaming but she couldn't make any noise. She felt trapped. She was still sleeping but she didn't know it. It was real, it felt real. She screamed again. Her mother. Her father. Nina. Furlan. They were all faded images in front of her eyes. She was crying, still in her nightmares.

In the middle of the night, Furlan opened the door all of the sudden concerned about her. He thought something awful was happening to her from the way she was screaming. Even Levi who was reading a book quietly in his room was disturbed and felt the urge to go to the room, waiting for something to happen. Not even thinking it twice, Furlan made a quick move next to her and woke her up abruptly by shaking her, kindly but firmly.

"Shhh. It is fine, Ella. You are fine." He patted her hair softly and caressed her face in the gentlest way. Trying to make her nightmares disappear. Ella suddenly opened her eyes, tears shining on her skin. She saw Furlan holding her next to him, still shocked by her screams. After a second look around, she saw Levi's short figure by the door frame, watching her from the distance. They both made eye contact for a second, but then Levi made a move to his room as soon as he realised that she had never been in danger.

"What happened? Are you feeling, ok?" He asked one more time. Ella panted, she was still scared of what she saw.

"Let me get you some water." He offered.

"No!" Ella yelled. "No, please. Don't let me alone. Stay with me, Furlan." She begged with a cracking voice. Furlan returned next to her side, sitting on the bed. Ella moved towards him and rested her head on his lap. Furlan continued playing with her hair softly. She was still panicked because of her dream but, his calm breathing reassured her quickly. Then, he kissed her forehead tenderly. A quick yet gentle touch of his lips on her skin made her feel safer than ever. Her breathing was finally coming back to normal.

"I will never let you alone, Ella. Never." He said in a whisper loud enough for Ella to hear it. Now she could finally get some sleep, feeling safe and happy.

The next morning, Ella woke up next to Furlan. He was still hugging her in a protective way. She was confused. It was the first time she slept with a man. She was well aware nothing had happened between the two of them, but the feeling of waking up next to him was priceless. She didn't need anything else. She remembered the episode from last night and, she suddenly blushed after thinking how ridiculous she was for having nightmares again like a little brat, begging Furlan to stay. What was she even thinking about? When she recovered herself, she took a look at the young man who was peacefully sleeping. A loving smile was drawn on her lips. Right after, she put a woollen blanket over him. After looking at him one more time, she let him rest, in the end, he was the one who stayed awake all night ensuring she was ok.

Ella went to the kitchen where Levi was already having some morning tea. She remembered how the previous night, Levi was watching her from the door frame of the room, probably upset by the screams. She avoided his penetrating stare and didn't say a word.

"Morning to you too." He said as cold as always like he noticed her vulnerability in front of him.

"Morning." She replied back with a shy head bow. She proceeded to prepare some breakfast. She was giving her back to Levi, so she didn't know the black-haired man was examining her with his grey eyes.

"So, where is Furlan?"

"He is still asleep." She replied trying to avoid the topic.

"I see. Hopefully, he will rest properly. He has been really irritating lately. I bet it is because of a lack of sleep. All he cares about is you." Levi added. Ella couldn't believe his words. Really, was Furlan the irritating one? She thought to herself. But also, his words made her think, was Furlan really that attached to her that even Levi could tell? That made her feel butterflies flying all over her stomach.

"Anyway. If you are going to stay here for good, you will be expected to support the household too." The black-haired man stated.

"Absolutely. I would be delighted to be of any help to you both, Levi." Ella said excitedly for the welcome she had been looking forward to for so long.

"You will be in charge of the house chores and continue preparing meals. Furlan and I will take care of the rest and, will ensure your well-being." He continued explaining. Suddenly, Levi approached her, making her to take a step back, confused.

"Here. Take this." Levi said, extending his hand towards her. Ella grabbed was he was giving her. A dagger. Ella examined the item carefully; she had never owned one of these before. "I hope you never have to use it, but in case we are not around to look after you." The black-hair man explained.

"Understood. Thank you, Levi. I really appreciate your kindness." That comment made Levi roll his eyes annoyed.

"And one more thing. Stop being so damn pleasant. This is the Underground for God's sake, not a fucking palace."

Word count: 1178

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