41. Date ***

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After Levi moved in, Ella's humour improved. She was happy to be sharing a home with Levi once again. Nina found out not too long after, during one of her visits to her friend. Even though Levi was not home, she had found his uniforms and soldier equipment all over the place. She was happy for her friend to have found love once again, especially because she knew that it was thanks to her. The only problem was that she had had to deal with Ella's rage due to foraging among her things and sending the letter, but she was convinced that all that had been worth it.  

"Now, now. When were you planning to tell me?" The blond woman asked her friend with a big smirk on her face as she pointed to Levi's cloak on the chair.

"Well...I was not planning to, at least for now. In case you would decide to make arrangements once again on your own." Ella replied while feeding Furlan. Nina pouted at her comment. 

"You must admit it was good that I did it though..." The younger woman insisted.

"Anyway, it hasn't been for long. We are just figuring things out. So do not get over-excited." Ella said. Nina grinned again. 

"Does that mean that you guys have f..." She didn't finish the sentence as Ella quickly interrupted her for her boldness. At that moment, the entrance door opened with a loud noise. Nina rose her eyebrows in a teasing way at her friend. 

"Evening." A male voice greeted emotionless. "Nina. How are you?" Levi asked when he saw the blonde woman sitting on the sofa. 

"She was just leaving..." Ella started, trying to avoid a very uncomfortable conversation. 

"Actually... I wasn't but I have an idea! Why don't I just stay here instead and watch over my sweet little nephew while you guys go out and enjoy each other's company?" She offered happily as if she just had the best idea ever.

Ella and Levi looked flustered at each other. Nina was bold, in fact, she was very bold and had no shame. The pair was speechless. 

"I..." Ella mumbled. 

"I insist. I bet you guys have many things to talk about and well, I would love to spend more time with Furlan." Nina said as she took the baby from his mother's arms. The baby smiled big at Nina, who was making funny faces for him. 

"He'll be fine. He is in good hands." Levi said to Ella, who seemed a bit confused. 

The couple exited the house as Nina waved them goodbye. Ella followed Levi hesitantly. Levi took his horse and helped Ella to jump on the back of the animal. They rode for a long time under the stars. She didn't know where he was taking her, but she didn't care. As long as she was with him, she was safe. Levi was not a romantic man, but he wanted to make Ella happy, so he would try his best. He knew how much she liked the stars and he took her to a place in which she could enjoy the starry sky. Right before her eyes, a big lagoon surrounded by trees was reflecting the full moon and the stars around it on its surface. The sight was just breathtaking. Levi helped Ella to get down from the horse, and then he led her to a spot covered with soft grass where they sat next to each other whilst the horse grazed. 

They didn't share a word, they simply looked at the sky above them. Levi couldn't avoid but to look at her slyly. Her face, pale as the moon and her eyes bright as the stars she was looking at. Her mouth was slightly open, and her bottom lip was just tempting him so badly. He wanted to kiss her, he needed her. Suddenly, she accidentally brushed her arm with his as she tried to cover herself, she was shivering. She blushed at the clumsy touch.

"Are you cold?" Levi asked. She just nodded. The soldier didn't hesitate to remove his jacket and put it over her shoulders. She smiled softly at him to slowly get closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder, making Levi flustered. He kissed her temple. 

"How did you find this place?" She asked as she buried her face in his neck.

"We passed by on our way to an expedition. I thought the place was worth the visit."

"Well, thank you for bringing me here." She replied. After that, silence took over the place. 

"Aren't you scared?" The woman suddenly asked. The question caught him off guard.

"Scared of what? What do you mean?"

"Scared of fighting titans, of going to these damn expeditions, of having the same fate as they did?" She explained quietly, unsure if she had overstepped her boundaries. The soldier shook his head but took longer to reply. 

"There is only one thing I am scared of, and it's losing you." He realised how cheesy that sounded, so he tried excusing himself. "That is why I must go on these expeditions, we must kill as many titans as we can so I can ensure your safety. I honestly don't care what happens to me anymore since..." Ella interrupted him by placing her finger on his lips. 

"You won't lose me." She whispered to him. Levi looked into her eyes, bright and honest. He got closer to her until their lips touched and melted into a long sweet kiss. The kiss quickly transformed into a fervent kiss loaded with passion and, love? Slowly, Levi leaned Ella on the ground, skillfully getting on top of her as he continue kissing her. He didn't take long to take off her clothing, somehow she was not cold anymore. Ella also helped him removing his shirt, caressing his firm torso and tracing with her fingers the scars on his skin, making the soldier bite his lip, containing himself. 

He lined up to her entrance, where he thrust himself in, making Ella groan loudly. She grabbed onto his arms as he pushed faster each time, making his body tense and his muscles show up firmly. She could feel his length throbbing inside of her, pumping against her walls. The intensity of his pace caused some tears in her eyes, but he didn't hold back. It hurt, but this pain was worth it, and pleasure always came after. She dug her nails into his back, making scratches that would disappear after some days. Their eyes suddenly met, both panting and messy. Ella's back arched and her toes curled up as he intensified his movements, making Ella cum instantly. Ella moaned as she gripped his hair during climax, making Levi groan satisfied. She loved when his voice came out. He didn't take long in releasing himself on her skin.

After lying down naked on the grass under the moonlight, they quickly got dressed to go back home. It was cold and a night breeze was making Ella shudder. The ride was long, but it didn't feel that way. Ella rested her head on Levi's back as he rode the horse. Her body was pressed close to his. Although she couldn't see it, Levi was smiling.

They found Nina asleep on the sofa next to Furlan's cot, a candle lighting up the space. She didn't have realised that the couple had returned, and she kept snoring softly. Levi took the baby upstairs while Ella put a blanket over her friend. 

"Damn you and your crazy ideas... I guess sending the letter was the best decision ever." She whispered to her asleep friend as she smiled. She blew off the candle, making the room dark until the next morning. 

Word count: 1285

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