22. Freedom

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After dinner, the four friends got ready to go to the cave where they were planning to free the little bird. Furlan and Levi put their ODM gear on within seconds, but Isabel took a bit longer as she was yet not as skilful as her friends. Ella, however, was the only one who didn't own ODM gear equipment but that was no problem as Furlan was always willing to take her anywhere and they used to love flying around that way. Nevertheless, that didn't mean that she had never tried to use it before, though, that wasn't her biggest strength. Levi was waiting for all of them by the door. Ella jumped on Furlan's back and used her long cloak to hide the gear. Isabel put the bird in a little pouch next to her chest to keep it safe. They were ready to go.

Furlan led the way, followed by the other two behind him. Isabel, although was still a beginner with the gear was proving herself all over the place with her agile movements. She was living her dream. Levi, steady but skilful kept on watching around for any undesired encounters.

The cold currents of air trapped in the underground made Ella shiver and press her body against Furlan's, who felt the pressure of her breasts on his back and smirk mischievously. For him, that was definitely one of the perks of the woman not having her own equipment.

"You know the deal, sweetheart. Just grab on tight." He said playfully.

Ella never stopped loving the feeling of flying around like a bird. How fortunate she was to be able to feel something like this, like being free next to the man she loved.

Finally, they landed on rocky ground, covered by moss and small plants that managed to find a place to grow within the rocks. Isabel was very impressed to see the place with her own eyes. Ella had described it to her, but she never imagined it that way.

"This place is magnificent." She yelled excitedly.

"Keep it down!" Levi ordered. "We don't want to attract anyone's attention."

Isabel obeyed silently and started running around with the bird still in her pouch.

"You are going to be free today!" She was telling innocently to the little animal.

Ella sat on a rock nearby and watched Isabel running happily around. Furlan sat next to her and passed his arms around her shoulder tenderly.

"We did well by accepting her in the group." She said thoughtfully. "I wondered what terrible experiences she was put through before she found us. And yet, she always keeps herself happy and optimistic. She will surely become a strong woman." Furlan looked at her girlfriend for a second studying her words one by one.

"Just like you. Don't forget where you were and where you are now. I'm so proud of you." He responded. Ella gave him a sweet smile and kissed him softly on his lips.

"Oi! You two! We are here to free the bird, not to make out." Isabel shouted disgustedly.

"Give them a break, brat." Levi said from the other side of the cave. The couple laughed; it was good to have Levi on their side now.

"She really has no shame." Furlan pointed funnily.

"Come on, everybody. I am going to free Ozzy now." Isabel announced getting closer to the cavity.

"Ozzy?" Furlan asked.

"Yes, I named him Ozzy." She explained determined.

"You should have not given it a name, you will get attached to it, and remember that you won't see it again." Levi added with his usual tone.

"I believe our paths will cross again, and if not, I'll be happy knowing that I did the right thing by freeing him." The young girl replied.

"Well said, Isabel." Ella praised her. "Let's do it."

Isabel opened carefully the pouch and held the bird between her hands. During all that time, the creature had gotten used to the girl and was no longer scared of her. Slowly, she removed the bandages Furlan put on. Isabel smiled when she saw the bird moving his wings effortlessly, he was ready to fly. She kissed him on the head softly, and then rose her hands towards the cavity from which they could see the outside sky. The bird flew away and the group of friends saw how it found its way to freedom, getting lost in the night sky.

"I wish I was a bird so I could fly away too..." Isabel said breaking the silence.

"There is no need. With the ODM gear, you can fly as high. Besides, we will find our way to the surface soon." Levi comforted her calmly.

"Levi is right, we are making progress and soon we will have enough money to start a life upstairs." Furlan added optimistic.

Isabel, as well as the whole group, dreamt of a life on the surface where she could feel the sun on her skin and the breeze moving her hair. She had spent her short life in the underground surrounded by bad people, living in miserable conditions. Just imagining how incredible would be to live upstairs made her feel that all the suffering she had experienced would have been worth it if it could give her the right to live above.

"Come on, let's get moving. It is getting late." Levi said to the group.

"You two get going, we won't take long." Furlan replied to his friend. Levi rolled his eyes, but he restrained himself from saying anything.

"Come on, Isabel. Put your gear on." He said to the girl.

"But I want to stay longer too." She moaned childishly.

"Don't be a stubborn brat." Levi insisted. Then he helped the young girl to put her equipment on before making their way back home, leaving the other two behind. 

Once again, Furlan and Ella were alone. Since Isabel joined them, it got difficult to find alone time with each other as she was always around, so every time they had the chance, they would take it. Ella was sitting on a rock, looking up at the night sky through the cavity the bird flew away. Furlan took a moment to appreciate her beauty with the moonlight. He approached her slightly without her realising and lay down next to her, looking up. Ella smiled at him, and then she lay down too, burying her head in the crook of his neck.  

"I once told you I dreamt of seeing the stars, and here we are. You really make dreams come true." She spoke softly. Furlan turned around to face her, locking his eyes on hers. 

"Oh no, I promised you that I would take you out of here so you can see the stars from the surface, as you deserve." He pointed out, making Ella chuckle. "Besides... I was thinking that in fact, we could get married as soon as we get out of here." He added naturally. Ella's eyes opened wide in surprise, looking at him still stunned by his words.

"Get... married...?" She managed to say, still shocked.

"What was that?" Furlan replied, playing dumb. Then she realised how his cheeks were turning red, making her smile tenderly. He was trying to ignore what he just said.

"I love you, that's what I meant." He lied.

"I will marry you. I don't care about the place as long as is with you." She insisted determined. Furlan looked at her astonished, how was it possible that somebody like her was willing to devote her life to a thug like him? The fact that she just said that made his heart pump faster in excitement. 

"Sweetheart, I'm so in love with you but yet I can't understand why would you waste your life with someone like me. You deserve much better..." He added sadly, caressing her cheek softly.

"Because a life next to you is all I need to be happy. I am in love with you too." She confessed, pulling her face closer to his. Furlan grabbed her chin carefully with his hand and pulled it towards him, tracing the line of her jawline with his thumb slowly, and then caressing her bottom lip, eyes still locked on each other's. Slowly, he brought his lips closer to hers, joining in a sweet kiss.

"You look so beautiful under the moonlight." He said softly, making Ella smile shyly. No matter how many times she had heard his compliments, she would still blush after every one of them. Furlan stood up and offered his hand to her.

"Come on darling, let's go home." 

Word count: 1430

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Where stories live. Discover now