34. Home

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It took them a couple of days to settle. The house was not big, but there were plenty of things to prepare and get ready nonetheless, the place was enough for a young woman and her soon-to-be-born baby. Levi helped her out with all the cleaning chores as she was not physically capable to do it by herself. They did not have many belongings, but luckily, the house was equipped with all the necessary furniture for a modest life. The house had two rooms and a wide living area adjoined to the kitchen, which was small but tidy, Ella had already made a stew on it, and she swore that meals on the surface had a better taste than anything she ever had in the underground. Levi explained to her that that was because of the quality of the ingredients, not the kitchen. Ella chose the brighter room facing the east, so she could wake up every morning with the first rays of the sun. Levi, however, was not meant to live in that house, but during his visiting time, he was using the second room, which was colder. Even though her possessions were limited, she managed to transform that old house into a home in no time.

After dinner, they both sat on the couch by the fire, watching the flames dance in silence.

"I am not sure if I should but, I think you should have this." He said offering a folding piece of dark green cloth to Ella. She looked at him confused, rising her brow. Ella unfolded the fabric delicately as if she was scared of ripping it. Her eyes opened wide when she noticed the shield engraved in the back, realising of what she was holding.

"Is this...?" She said with a trembling voice. In her hands, she was holding Furlan's Survey Corps cloak. Ripped at the end where the Titan got him. The cloak smelled clean however, there still were faded stains of blood.

"It is all we managed to retrieve from him. I'm sorry." Ella took the cloak to her face and started sobbing, the fabric reduced the noise, but her cries were intense, and no piece of cloth could ever stop the sound. Levi had never gotten used to those heartbreaking situations, and he was tempted to stand up and walk away to give her some privacy nevertheless, after further thinking, he sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulder, bringing her closer to him, letting her cry on his shoulder.

"What about hers?" She managed to ask after she calmed down. Levi shook his head negatively silently. They both rested there in absolute silence, watching the flames getting consumed minute to minute. He still had his arm around her shoulder and her face was still resting on his, until they both fell asleep in the same position.

When Ella woke up the next morning, she realised she had fallen asleep on the couch, again. She was covered with a blanket that Levi probably put on her. When she sat on the couch, she found Furlan's cloak near her and she folded it carefully. She couldn't find Levi anywhere in the house. She covered herself with the blanket and went outside to look for him, terrified of the idea of being alone. She finally felt relieved when she found him wearing his uniform, feeding his black horse.

"Good morning. I thought you left..." She admitted shyly.

"I didn't want to wake you up. I had to go to the Headquarters early this morning. Let's go home, I have to tell you something." He announced instinctively. As it was a nice day, Levi placed a chair outside for her to sit in the meantime.

"A midwife will move here to look after you until the baby is born. So you will not be alone. But I will stay until she arrives so I can make sure you are in good hands." He said without preambles.

"What?!" She complained loudly.

"Listen, it will be for the best. You have zero experience with babies, and it will be hard to do it by yourself. Besides, the woman has been working as a nurse for the Survey Corps for years, she is trustworthy. You'll be fine." Levi convinced her. Ella realised that it was not such a bad idea, she could barely move without help and she was very tired, she could definitely use a bit of help.

"When is she coming?"

"Anytime today."

The day passed by slowly, Ella was reading her poem book and Levi was having a cup of tea when someone knocked softly at the door. The pair looked at each other and, then Levi went to open the door to their guest. A young blonde humbling-dressed woman smiled from the entrance door.

"Afternoon! My name is.."

"Nina?!" Ella interrupted loudly, not believing her eyes. The young woman looked confused at Ella as if she was trying to remember where she knew it from. She suddenly remembered as she also shouted her name.

"Oh my God Ella, is that you?! I never thought I would see you again. And check you out, there will be a little someone soon." She spoke happily. Both women got closer to hug each other.

"Do you ladies know each other?" Levi asked confused.

"Yes, Levi. This is Nina, she is my childhood friend back in the Underground. My only friend." Ella said with a big smile. "I thought something awful happened to you. Where did you go? It has been years..."

"Indeed, Ella was my very good friend. It is a long story, but we will have time for everything, right?" The woman said, sharing a kind look with Ella. 

"Anyways, congratulations on the baby." She said looking at both of them.

"Oh no, he is not..." Ella mumbled shyly.

"I am not the father." He interrupted coldly. 

"Oh God, I am sorry for..."

"Please, do not worry. It is also a long story." Ella said trying to reassure her old friend.

Levi gave some time to the women to catch up. Since Nina entered the old house, the environment was livelier, and Ella didn't stop smiling. Levi tried to remember the last time she saw her smiling like that. God, probably, weeks, even months, way before his return. Obviously, only when Furlan and Isabel were still around. But now she had another reason to smile, and soon she will have a new one, her baby was about to be born.

Both women were sitting together on the couch, self-absorbed in their stories. Nina had prepared some warm tea for Ella to help her with her nausea, which she drank like water. Levi thought it was the right time to make a move and leave the women alone. Ella was now in good hands.

"Thank you, Nina for looking after her. Please, do let me know if you need me." He said looking at the blonde woman. She saluted professionally at him, showing her commitment to the task she was assigned to.

"Are you leaving already?" She asked, hiding her sadness.

"We said I would go as soon as we would find a better solution, and Nina is already here. You will be fine." He replied coldly.

"But..." Her voice cracked.

"Take care, Miss Church." He said giving one last look at Ella before exiting the house.

"Good night, Levi." She mumbled, ignoring if heard her.

Word count: 1235

OMG!! Did you expect this? I don't know how I came up with the idea of bringing Nina to this chapter but isn't it amazing!! Now Ella is happier and we will get to know a new character!

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