44. Graves

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As the days pass by, Furlan started to miss Levi. He did not want to say anything because he could feel his mother's pain even though his young age. But in the end, just like any kid of his age, he couldn't control it any longer and started to ask about him. Ella knew how important Levi was to her son and how difficult this new situation will be for him. He didn't have a dad and the only male figure that he ever knew was gone too. An explanation was the least she could do for him, but it was still very soon.

"When is Uncle Levi coming back? I miss playing with him..." He said sadly. Ella hugged him, kneeling in front of him.

"Levi is a Captain now and he has many things to do, he went on a very important mission that will keep him busy for a very long time." She lied the best she could. He was too young to understand the problems of the heart, and this way was easier for him to understand.

"Is he going to die like my dad?" The boy asked, concerned. Ella looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Look at me, baby. Look at me." She said holding her son's chin. "Levi is not going to die, he is the strongest soldier of humanity, he is just making sure we are all safe here." She reassured him. The boy hugged his mother again.

"One day, I will be as brave as dad and as strong as Uncle Levi and I will take care of you." He promised his mum. Ella couldn't contain her tears when she heard her son saying those words.

"You already are brave and strong, just look at you, baby. I am proud of you." She smiled wiping the tears from her eyes. "Now come with me, I want to show you something."

Mother and son left their house and walked into the forest. Ella advised her son to find the most beautiful flowers in the valley and keep them safe until they would arrive at where they were heading. The day was sunny but cold, and the wind was filtering through their clothes.

Ella helped her son to pick some flowers. She then took his little hand and they both kept walking until they arrived at a small glade in the middle of the forest. Two humble tombstones could be seen from where they were. The sun rays were filtering through the trees' leaves and it gave a mystical aura to the landscape, it was very peaceful. Furlan didn't seem to know what that was, but for some reason and despite the beauty of the place, he was a bit scared.

"Keep walking, sweetheart, we are almost here." She encouraged him. The boy was the first one to arrive at the tombstones and stood in front of them, watching curiously the strange stones. Ella stood right behind him, placing her hands on his shoulders.

"Do you know what is this place? She asked. The boy shook his head. 

"Here is where your dad and Isabel rest." She explained calmly. She took a flower from his hand and placed it on Isabel's grave, the boy looked confused at his mother.

"Come on, sweetheart, now you do it. Dad and Isabel would appreciate it." She said pushing his back softly. The child got closer to his dad's grave and put some flowers the way his mother had shown him, then she took the rest and placed them nicely on Isabel's. Once he had run out of flowers, he came back to his mum.

"Well done." She praised him. "Now they know that we keep thinking about them." Ella explained to the young boy.

"Why are they here? Where are they?" Furlan asked confused. It was the first time he was brought to that strange place. It was his first contact with his father and he had so many questions. Ella sat on the grass and pat her lap for her son to sit on it.

"Only their souls rest here, their bodies are long gone but their memory stays with us. That is why Levi and I built this place for them, so they could always be remembered." The boy tilted his head, that explanation wasn't clear enough for him.

"So how do they know that we brought them flowers?"

"They just do. They look after us, they know what we do, and they are happy that we are here now." She said with a sad smile. Suddenly, the boy stood up and went to both graves. He gave a sweet kiss to both stones and caressed the surface with his soft hand.

"I love you, dad. I love you, Isabel." He whispered. Ella got closer to him and hugged him, holding back her tears, then she kneeled and kissed her hand, placing the palm on both tombstones.

"Let's go home, baby." She said as she took a last glance at the graves. 

Word count: 835

Another short chapter. 

I really felt like writing about something like this. Baby Furlan wants to know more about his past despite his young age and this was just so sad to write. What did you guys think?

Alos, we are getting to the end :(

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Where stories live. Discover now