30. Confessions

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The house was very silent. Ella's attention was focused on the book she was reading. Levi was cleaning his knives with a cloth in a chair right in front of her. After some minutes, she sighed loudly and closed the book, she then leaned her back on the sofa, facing the ceiling. Levi observed her for a second and then continued doing his tasks. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked pointing with his head at her belly. Ella looked at him now that he had established a conversation. 

"Because I was scared." She managed to say with her eyes pointing down. Levi rose his brow confused.

"Scared of what?" He insisted. Ella looked into his eyes determined.

"Of giving you a reason to stay." She finally admitted, and then she sighed as if she just had said a secret she was holding for a long time. "Please, don't look at me like that." She said with a vulnerable voice as if she was about to cry. "I already know this poor child is doomed."

"I haven't said anything." The black-haired man said.

"But it is exactly what you think. This baby is not even born yet, and it doesn't have a father already." She sobbed. "How am I supposed to take care of this baby? Even you told me that I am not able to take care of myself, perhaps you were right..." She lamented.

"Maybe it is time to get out of here, to start again. Besides, I would be around to help, you don't have to be alone on this, Ella." Levi said trying to persuade her once again.

"I'd rather stay. There's nothing left for me." She declined.

"If you don't do it for yourself, do it for the child you are carrying. That's what he would have wanted for you, for the two of you. He wished for a life out of this shithole with you." Levi said raising his voice at her. Ella looked at him and her eyes filled with tears. Levi regretted talking to her that way, she would get very fragile whenever they had this conversation. 

"Look, I know I am not the person you wanted back. But I am willing to protect you and your child even if my life depends on it." Levi spoke determinedly, staring directly into her eyes.

"You are just holding yourself to a promise you made to him, maybe to feel better about yourself for letting them die. But let me remind you that you also made a promise to me that you couldn't meet." She replied harshly making Levi sigh uncomfortable.

"Maybe I promised that to him, but it is something I also want to do. I'm committed to giving you and your child the life you deserve out of this place." He insisted.

"You want to do it?" Ella repeated after him with sarcasm. "I still remember how difficult you made my life when I first came here, so don't give me that bullshit, Levi. You never wanted me here and now you tell me you will commit yourself to ensure I get a good life? I already had a good life when he was here! So tell me, what did exactly change for you to change your mind about me?" She asked sceptically. Levi's eyes widened at her words, he was somehow affected by them but he didn't let her see it. Instead, he looked up and sighed before giving her an answer. 

"I realised that I had fallen for you." The man admitted, lowering his voice as if those words were only meant for her, which they were. He was not good at expressing his feelings, not even understanding them, but he had finally said it and there was no way back. He would regret it later. 

Ella laughed sarcastically at his comment, not believing what she just heard. Levi's facial expression was still and serious as always. Then she realised he was telling the truth, he had never lied before. She cleared her throat uncomfortably. 

"What do you mean? You always found a way to make me feel uncomfortable, and now you want me to believe that it was because you were in love with me?" She asked with a more calmed voice. 

Meanwhile, she thought about past situations that proved what he just said. She suddenly remembered all the times Levi was watching her, maybe in a protective way she never realised. He was there for her in the shadows making sure she was fine. He was the one who got rid of her abusive stepfather, he was the one watching her door whenever she had nightmares, and he was jealous of Furlan every time they were going out together, showing his anger towards him. How was it possible that she had never realised?

"I didn't want you close because you were a distraction both for him and myself, a beautiful distraction I couldn't get out of my head. It was also hard to see how close you two were, I knew he was a way better man than I could ever be, yet it was hard to admit it. I realised you were meant together so, in the end, I was satisfied by just being able to protect you even if you didn't know it." He explained calmly. Ella was still looking at him, confused. Examining his expression carefully.

"Look, I'm not asking you to believe me or to love me back, not even to forgive me but Ella, let me help you." He said, locking his cold grey eyes on hers. 

Ella put her hand softly on her belly and stood up with certain difficulty, trying to keep her composure she left the room without giving him an answer. She needed some time alone to process the whole conversation she just had with Levi. What was that all about? Was he really that committed to her? Was he actually in love as he confessed? It was just too much to handle.

Word count: 1000


The protective side of Levi that we don't get to see that often. 

What do you think Ella would do now that she knows this?

Thanks for reading!!

Love, Ai

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