38. Feelings

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Since her conversation with Nina, she couldn't stop thinking about it no matter the time of the day, and whenever she would find herself thinking about him, she would look for something else to do to occupy her mind from Levi. 

On one of those nights in which it was difficult to just let go of all her thoughts and simply fell asleep, she took the courage and grabbed some paper and a pen and started to write a letter to her friend under the dimmed light of a candle. She ended up writing the letter several times until she finally found a word composition that didn't sound too explicit; however, she was still not sure about the letter she just wrote. There were still many things that she didn't put down on the paper, and her feelings were still confused. After reading the letter several times, she just went to bed, exhausted from overthinking.

Days passed by and Ella never sent the letter out. Instead, she passed the days busying herself with other tasks and helping out other neighbours in the village. Because of this, her mind was always occupied with other things during the day, but unfortunately, late in the evening when everybody was at their own place, her insecurities, doubts and unsure feelings came back to her mind until she managed to fall asleep.

Nina popped by for a visit one of the days, hoping that Ella had made up her mind after their conversation. The two women had a picnic outside and brought Furlan with them, who was starting to learn to walk. It was a lovely sunny morning, birds and bees were flying around. These moments of enjoying nature and good weather used to make Ella happy. Even since she moved to the surface, her faded freckles were starting to show even more, and her hair colour seemed lighter. Having a friend in the Survey Corps was very helpful, Nina always kept her updated with news from Headquarters to which Ella always listened intently.

"So, why don't you join us? Nina asked all of the sudden.

"Join you? What do you mean?" Ella asked raising her brow confused.

"When Furlan is a bit older and does not need so much attention, you could join the Survey Corps. You don't have to be a soldier and be expected to go outside to kill titans, but you could be a nurse, like me, and help injured soldiers who need our help. It is a very noble task to do." She explained. Ella considered the offer; it was not such a bad idea after all. Besides, she would get bored eventually of just living in the village.

"I guess I can think about it when the time comes. At the moment, I like enjoying the present." She replied, positively. "Besides, I don't want time to pass by so quickly, look how big he has gotten already." She added, looking tenderly at her son who was playing in the grass. 

When it was getting late, they came back home. Ella was busy grooming up Furlan, and Nina was just tidying the place up to help her friend in the meantime. Under the old wooden desk, she found a piece of paper that intrigued her, so she picked it up and her curiosity could not stop her from reading it.

"Dear Levi,

I wanted to thank you for your visit the other day. It was good to see you after so long. Little Furlan and I are fine, so please do not worry about us.

I know that you have great responsibilities and a routine to follow, and I do appreciate that you still make time for us whenever you have the chance.

Since you left, I have missed you in a way I cannot put into words. Please, come back home whenever your duty allows you.


Ella Church"

"So, after all she did think about it... go get him, girl!" Nina thought to herself, glad to see that her friend followed her advice. The letter however seemed to have been forgotten or maybe Ella decided not to send it in the end.

"He finally fell asleep! The older it gets, the more difficult it is to put him in bed." Ella complained from the entrance of the room. Her voice spooked Nina, who put the letter discretely in her pouch without her author noticing it.

"I guess he is used to having more hours of sun and maybe that is why he does not want to go to bed." She added quickly. "It was good seeing you, I miss you when I am there, but I am happy to see that you are ok." Nina said, hugging her friend.

"Thank you, Nina. I would not have managed without you when I first come here." She admitted. Nina smiled back at her and closed the entrance door after her, leaving her alone again. She had a task to do. 

Word count: 827

Nina is definitely having an idea. Good or bad I don't know, but she is having an idea...

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