43. Captain Levi

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The day he returned home, he came with important news to share. He was glad to be back, but he detested knowing he wouldn't be able to stay for long due to his job. He was unsure of what Ella would think, but duty was duty after all. When he was by the entrance door, he took a deep breath before getting inside. Still wearing his uniform, he walked towards the voice of his lover. Ella turned around to find him standing quietly behind her. It had been months since the last time they had seen each other and usually, they would merge in a fervent kiss but this time was different. 

"I have been promoted." He announced hesitantly from the other side of the room. That was the first thing he said. Ella looked at him, unsure of what she should reply. 

"Congratulations. You worked very hard for this." She replied indifferently as if she was not aware of what that meant.  She offered him a warm teacup, without even looking back. Levi got closer to her, accepting the cup. 

"That means that I will have more responsibilities and therefore less time to visit." He explained to the woman.

"Well, I guess that is for the best... It is not that you spend here much time anyway." She said lowering her voice.

"What do you mean?" He asked raising his eyebrow. He could feel the cold of her words.

"I mean that it is for the best. Maybe now that you will have less time for us, we should stop this thing we have once for all. We are just hurting each other." She explained, avoiding his penetrant look.

"This thing we have? What the hell is that supposed to mean, Ella? Hurting each other?" He replied. The soldier was clearly annoyed by her comment.

"Yes, Levi. This thing isn't healthy for any of us, you want to be with me because you are in love me, but we both know that I am with you because I want to forget him, and I have tried, I really tried during these years Levi, but I can't. Whenever you kiss me, every time you touch me, I just remember him, and I am sorry I cannot love you the way I loved him." She said bursting into tears. Levi looked at her, everything she had said was true, and he knew it too. He heard her many times whispering Furlan's name in different situations, while she was asleep, or even sometimes when they made love. It would break his heart, but he never said anything to her. He was understanding and patient, besides he was with the woman he loved for so long secretly.

"Is that so?" Was all he said, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Ella looked at him with a sad look on her face and nodded containing tears.

"I am sorry." She whispered.

"If that is what you want, then so be it, but let me tell you that I never complained about the way you loved me. It was enough for me."

"Then I am sorry you were content with the leftovers of something that I could never give you." She replied coldly as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand. She didn't mean it, at least not that way, but she just wanted him to forget about her.

"Tch." He had got a promotion but he knew he had just lost the love of his life. 

"Mum, mum!" A little voice yelled from the patio, interrupting the tension of their conversation. Ella wiped her tears and left the kitchen with Levi inside without even looking at him.

Little Furlan was playing outside, and he had picked some flowers that wanted to give to his mother.

"Why are you sad, mummy?" He asked genuinely. Ella tried smiling for her son to not worry him, but even for a 4-year-old it was too obvious that she was forcing her smile.

"I am not sad, baby. Why would you say that?" She replied in a friendly voice, improving her smile. The boy shrugged shyly.

"Can I play with Uncle Levi outside? He is back! I want to see the horsy too." He asked playing with Ella's hair. Ella held back her tears and gave him a sad smile.

"Not today, baby. Uncle Levi is tired, maybe on another day." She explained. Furlan didn't like the answer, but he was a good boy and simply nodded to his mum obediently. Instead, mother and son went on a short walk around the village, which would give Levi some time to leave. On the way home, Ella had to carry her child, who was very tired to continue walking and ended up pleasantly asleep on his mum's shoulder. That was good, he wouldn't realise of Levi's absence that day.

When she entered her house, all the lights were off, and a cold breeze filtered from the windows. The house was empty. She put her son to sleep on her bed and then she checked the cupboards looking for Levi's stuff. It was gone, it was all gone, and so was he. And once again, Ella was alone.

She couldn't sleep that night. Many things were passing through her mind, but she was tired. The only thing that calmed her down was her convincing thoughts that she had done the right thing. She walked around the room and then she just went downstairs to the kitchen where she served herself a glass of wine that one of her neighbours gave her for her birthday. While she drank her cup of wine, she found an envelope with her name neatly written on the kitchen table. She hesitated several times before she actually grabbed it and decided to open it.


Although I don't share your decision, I want you to know that I accept it. I knew from the start that you would never be entirely mine, but I simply didn't mind. I enjoyed our time to the fullest, it was the only reason to live in this cursed world.

Tell your son that I had to go on a mission and that you don't know when I will be back, but that I will miss him, and I will miss you too. It will just be easier for all of us.

I know you didn't mean those words; I know you so damn well and if you were trying to push me away, your meaningless words are not enough, however, I respect your choice.

Don't you dare forget what you mean to me and, promise me that you will take care of yourself.

Always yours,


When she finished reading the letter, she realised that he would never come back. She sat on the cold floor and hugged her legs, still holding the letter in her right hand. A tear fell from her eye, but she was tired of crying. She was upset, upset with herself. Why was love this hard?

Word count: 1150

Oh God, more drama...

I'm sorry guys but this had to happen. I mean she can't just get over Furlan :(

Are you upset? What do you think is going to happen?

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