10. The warning **

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A/N: Lemon warning

When they arrived home, Levi was having his usual cup of tea in the living room. He didn't say anything, but he stared at them for a short period, making Ella uncomfortable.

"It's about time you came back. I was starting to worry..." He said sarcastically.

"Come on, Levi. You are not trying to say that you missed us, are you?" Furlan replied mockingly, pissing his friend off even more. Levi noticed that under the cloak, Furlan was also wearing his ODM gear, which they stated that they would only use for business.

"Oh, was today the day "bring the filthy brat to work" or did you just break the rules?" Levi added after taking a sip of his tea.

"Levi!" Furlan exclaimed upset by that comment. Ella, who was there behind Furlan heard it too and made her feel displeased. However, Levi had a point and Furlan knew it.

"I am sorry, Levi. You are right but, I wanted to show something to Ella, and you know she struggles to walk at the moment." The black-haired one didn't respond back. "I think you should apologize to Ella, that comment of yours wasn't nice." Furlan added.

Levi simply clicked his tongue disrespectfully. He was not the guy who apologize. 

"Please, forgive him, he is always upset. That is just the way he is." Furlan explained to the woman while taking her to the room. Before going to sleep, Furlan took a look at Ella's injured ankle. She was doing much better now, but he lied to Levi about it so she could stay longer. When he was about to leave the room, Ella grabbed his sleeve catching his attention.

"Thank you for today, Furlan. I feel more relieved after telling you a bit more of myself." Furlan smiled at her and nodded politely.

"Anytime." He replied back at Ella with a tired smile, he closed the door afterwards.

This feeling that Ella had been fighting since the day she met Furlan was getting stronger every minute. Rather than her demons, she would fall asleep thinking about the young man who gave her a second chance and a purpose to live. She felt like she could trust him, but she still had some questions in regards of him. She couldn't stop thinking about that moment on the roof earlier that day, on how she had the courage to tell him about her past and because of it, to make those cruel memories real by telling him. Somehow, she felt safe next to him, but was she feeling anything else? And most importantly, did he? Just thinking about it made butterflies flutter in her stomach and, for the first time in a while, she fell asleep with a smile on her face. In simpler words, she was falling for him. 

A new discussion was taking place in the kitchen once again. Now Furlan had the questions Levi asked for. Feeling like he was betraying Ella, he told the whole story to Levi who listened closely to his friend. He didn't seem impressed once Furlan finished talking. Levi didn't say anything after, he just stood there, indifferent as always and that made Furlan agitated.

"For God's sake, Levi! I just told you what she has been through during these days. She would have been raped or even killed if I wouldn't have found her on time, and you have nothing to say? You could show more empathy for a change, couldn't you? The girl just lost everything..." Furlan said irritated at his friend who didn't seem to care about anything. He took a couple of minutes to calm down.

"Levi, you said she could stay here as long as she wouldn't be a threat to the gang. Now you know you she isn't because I told you everything, and in case you are wondering, she wasn't lying." He said firmly yet calmly.

"Oh, so this is what all this is about, isn't it? You just want to convince me to allow the brat to stay here just because she's cute and has a sad background. Well, you might fall for her lies but I won't." Levi said, stubborn as always. Memories of his first encounter with Furlan popped into his mind. Then he continued. "You should know better than anyone that you can't even trust your own shadow..." After that accusive sentence, Furlan rose an eyebrow and a mischievous smile appeared on his face, he knew what his friend meant by that.

"I'm going to prove it to you, Levi. I will get her crimson brooch back and will find the responsible for her misery. I will prove to you all she said was true and that you can trust her." Furlan said confidently like he believed all his words. Levi sighed and took another sip from his cup.

"Is all this really that important to you?" Levi asked him. Furlan nodded with a serious expression on his face.

"I knew you were falling for her...Anyways, if that is the case, I will help you to get the damn brooch back." Levi said like he was regretting what he just said. Furlan however, got excited about the idea of Levi getting involved.  

"But..." There was always a but with Levi, he said to himself. "If I help you find it, you will tell her what you are and what we do." Furlan gulped saliva uncomfortable but nodded in agreement to his friend. "One last thing, don't you dare saying a word about this to her until we find out."

The following days passed by slowly. Ella spent most of the time at the house on her own. Both men left home for long hours and they both seemed more distant an tired. Furlan for instance wasn't as attentive as he used to be at first and she wondered if something had happened. Levi, on the other hand, was as cold as always. On one occasion when Ella was just going to the bathroom, she crossed ways with Levi. He stared at her. She just looked down avoiding his penetrating gaze. Suddenly, Levi grabbed her by her wrist and pushed her against the wall. Ella was slightly taller than him, but he was way stronger. He got so close to her that Ella could feel his warm breath on her skin. Being inches away from him was intimidating but also hot in its own way, which made her mouth open slightly, almost panting. Levi always seemed moody, but the young man was quite attractive too, maybe it was because of his tough attitude or his perfectly shaped face. Ella was terrified by him, despite his height, Levi could be really intimidating but damn, he was hot too. 

"You may be able to fool him, but you won't fool me." He said to her. Ella tried to free herself from Levi unsuccessfully. When Levi considered she was warned enough, he freed her wrist abruptly. "I'll be watching you." He said to the girl who was still against the wall catching her breath.

After that episode with Levi, Ella decided not to say a word to Furlan about it. She didn't want to be the reason for an argument between both friends. She just continued avoiding him as much as possible, the same way they had done so far. Therefore, the only time where they would interact more with each other was when the three of them would have dinner together.

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Where stories live. Discover now