16. Injured

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The next morning, the men left early as planned. Ella woke up early in order to have breakfast with them as she wasn't sure at what time they would be coming back. Once they were gone, the house fell into absolute silence. She used to sing all over the place to make the space feel livelier. Weeks ago, she was terrified to be left alone at home but since Furlan assured her that both he and Levi taught a lesson to her stepfather she felt safer than ever, she had no reason to be scared anymore. She did all the chores, including the ones Levi liked to do during his free time as he wouldn't be around that day to do them anyways.

Suddenly, she heard some noises coming from the ground floor. She checked the time, it was past midday, and she wasn't expecting anybody, at least not yet. She took the little dagger from the drawer that Levi gave her to protect herself some weeks ago. In the end, she was living with a pair of thugs, and she was an easy target for other bands. Once she had the courage to go down, she found both men entering by the entrance door. They came home much earlier than expected. Although Ella was happy about their early return, she wondered what could have happened for them to change their original plans, especially knowing that Levi was more likely to stick to the plan no matter what. She got worried thinking something bad could have happened.

"Oi, Ella. Come here. Come on, give me a hand." Levi called from the door frame. Ella hid the dagger under her sleeve trying to avoid Levi seeing it. The short man was helping Furlan to stand.

"My God! What happened?" Ella exclaimed, taking her hands to her mouth after seeing blood filtering through Furlan's blue vest.

"Don't worry. This is nothing." Furlan said smiling in order to calm her down. Although he tried to hide the pain, she could clearly see that he was hurt, but at least he seemed in good condition.

"Your boyfriend here got stabbed twice because he is not as careful as he says he is." Levi said with disdain.

"Come on, Levi. Don't be dramatic. You are going to scare her." Furlan claimed. "Trust me, it isn't as bad as it sounds, Ella."

"Well... It looks bad to me." The woman said trying to keep her mind cool.

"Ella, help me take him to the sofa." Levi requested. Both Levi and Ella stood by each side of Furlan. The injured one passed his arms around their shoulders, using them as support. He could walk however the pain in his stomach was getting more intense. Once they managed to sit Furlan on the couch, Levi went upstairs to grab some fresh water and rags to stop the blood. Ella in the meantime kneeled on the floor next to him and held his hand between hers.

"If I remember right, the last time we were in a similar situation, you were the one sitting here." Furlan joked. It was good he was in a positive mood. Ella chuckled shyly. She remembered perfectly fine. She remembered how confused and scared she was and yet how she decided to trust him and since then, she had no regrets whatsoever. Levi came back with a bucket of water and some old cloths.

"Come on, take your top off. Let's see how bad it is." Levi ordered. Furlan struggled when trying to remove his vest and, the shirt underneath that once was white.

"Don't look at me. If you need help doing that, ask your girlfriend." Levi said with sarcasm. Ella blushed instantaneously. She had never seen Furlan topless, and she would have never imagined it would be in this kind of situation.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Levi? She isn't my girlfriend." Furlan complained while struggling with his arms and the shirt. His face turned red, but they couldn't tell if it was because of embarrassment or effort.

"Please, Furlan. Stay still." Ella said calmly, getting closer to him. The man kept quiet and obeyed the girl. She removed the vest effortlessly, trying to avoid getting more blood into it. Then she helped him to remove his shirt. She slowly unbuttoned his shirt from top to bottom carefully, trying to avoid touching where the wound was.

THE PROMISE YOU MADE|| {Levi x Furlan x OC Fem}Where stories live. Discover now