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"I'm never letting you go" Rowan said.

"I haven't been hugged in years" Alders whispered. The boy was so touch deprived that it haunted him. His own mother never showed him any affection. "I'll be sure to provide all the hugs" Rowan said.

"Can you keep holding me like this" Alders asked. Rowan picked him up bridal style. "I'll have Maria bring us tea" Rowan said. The two laid together in his bed. Alders head rested on the man's chest.

Alders felt Rowan's hands run up and down his arms. He could only shut his eyes and enjoy the moment he had with him. "Does that feel nice" Rowan asked. Alders smiled softly.

Rowan kissed his cheek letting his lips linger. Maria knocked on the bedroom door softly. "Teas here darling" He said. Pressing one more kiss on Alders cheek.

"Thank you Maria" Rowan said. Maria noticed Alders laying in Rowan's bed. "Is he a keeper" Maria asked. Rowan nodded smiling like a child. "Take the night off" Rowan said. "Thank you" Maria said.

Rowan closed set the tea down on the counter before shutting his bedroom door. Alders was sitting up in Rowan's bed. "How long have you been awake" Rowan asked. "A few minutes" Alders said.

Rowan motioned Alders to get his tea. Alders got out of his bed, his fingers brushed against Rowan's as he took the tea from him. "Thank you" Alders said.

The two sat on the bed together drinking tea. Rowan turned on the radio to get his nightly news.

A man named Quincy Hart was arrested yet again for assaulting a mobsters partner.

"I went to school with that man" Alders said. Rowan looked at him, there eyes met. "You turned out better I hope" Rowan teased. Kissing his hair before taking another sip of his tea.

"Have you been working on anything new recently" Alders asked. Rowan nodded with a secret smile. "It's classified" Rowan said. "It can't be that classified" Alders said.

"Oh but it is..." Rowan said. Alders rolled his eyes. Rowan set his tea on the bedside table. "What English man are you if you don't finish your tea" Alders said. Rowan finished his tea, he showed Alders the inside of his cup.

"So demanding this day aren't you" Rowan said. "I can also be quite an angel boy" Alders said. Rowan kissed him with a peck on the lips. "Is that right...Alders the angel boy" Rowan said.

Alders nodded with innocent eyes. Rowan's hands traveled down to his backside. Gently squeezing his ass. Causing Alders to gasp, he playfully slapped his chest. "Control your hands " Alders said.

He felt a playful slap on his ass. "What will happen if I don't" Rowan said. Alders gulped loudly his cheeks grew red. Rowan chuckled, he brought his hands up to his cheeks. "I think you may have the devil inside you my little angel boy" Rowan said.

Alders blushed slightly, he remembered his mum would call him the devil for being what he was. "Maybe I am the devil according to my mother" Alders said.

"She's not wrong" Rowan teased. Kissing him once more, alders didn't pull away. Instead he fell into the kiss. He moved his neck for Rowan to have more access.

Alders shot his eyes open as he felt Rowan's lips making love bites on him. He's never felt anything like this. Alders whimpered from the feeling. "Would you like more" Rowan asked. Alders licked his lips before whimpering a please.

"How do you know how to do this" Alders asked.

"I've had experience with past lovers" Rowan said.

"Men or women" Alders asked. Rowan moved to the other side of his neck. "I don't have a preference, I don't see men and women as sexual objects I just...it's hard to explain" Rowan said.

"I like men...I always have...I've only ever loved two ladies " Alders said. "Who might these special ladies be" Rowan asked. "My grandmother and my Dorothy she was a rag doll cat my grandmother got her for me" Alders said.

"Why only men, haven't you ever experimented with other sexes" Rowan asked.

"I've never experimented with women I knew what I was attracted to when I met John" Alders said.

"Are you attracted to me" Rowan asked. Alders nodded he held eye contact with Rowan until he couldn't. Rowan whispered in his ear. "I'm very attracted to you too".

Alders eyes went wide with a blush that took over his face.

"But we just met yesterday h-how do you know what you like" Alders asked.

"My mind works in mysterious ways...darling I fear it was love at first sight" Rowan said.

Maria then knocked on Rowan's door. "Mr. Kelly your parents are here" Maria said.

Parents? Will they like me Alders thought.

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