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Georgia entered the home with a handful of grocery bags. Smelling smoke she ran into the kitchen, not caring about the bags.

Richard was looking out the window his brows furrowed. "Richie you left the stove top on again" Georgia said. It's like her husband didn't hear a word she said. "Richard" Georgia asked. Placing her hand on his shoulder startling him he looked at her with confusion.

Georgia opened the kitchen window allowing the smoke to leave. "You forgot who I was again didn't you" Georgia asked. Richard looked at her with pain in his eyes. The British man nodded his head. "What's my name Richie" Georgia asked.

Georgia placed her colored hand on his cheek. "It's ok Richie I'm here for as long as you need" Georgia said. Richard was in deep concentration trying to figure out the woman's name.

"It's Georgia...I'm your wife we've been married for years and we have a son together his name is Rowan" Georgia said.

Georgia reminded him who she was each day. Normally Richard would repeat back her name. This time was different he didn't try to repeat her name.

Georgia helped Richard to his favorite chair in the sitting room. "Miss where are my cigarettes my wife hides them from me" Richard said. "It's a good reason she does in the state that you're in...I'm your wife Georgia" Georgia said.

The telephone rang when she was aiding to Richard. After helping her husband she answered the phone.

On the other line was her son. "Hi mom" Rowan said. "Hi baby how's Alders" Georgia said. Her son chuckled before answering "He's good, I'm calling because Alders and I adopted a set of siblings a infant boy and a negro girl" Rowan said. "I'll be right over to teach you how to properly do your daughters hair" Georgia said.

Georgia packed her and Richards bags before they left for London. "Where are you taking me" Richard asked. "To visit your son in London" Georgia said. "Why" Richard said. "As of today you and I are grandparents" Georgia said.

A day of travel Georgia and Richard arrived in London. "Who's place is this" Richard asked. "It is your sons and his lovers place" Georgia said. She stopped him before going up to the doorway. "You're son is a homosexual and we still love him either way do you understand me" Georgia said. Alders greeted them on the porch.

"Hi baby how are you" Georgia said. "How was your trip" Alders asked. "Long and tiring" Georgia said. Richard followed closely behind Georgia normally he would greet Alders.

Richard was greeted by his son but didn't greet him back. The British father was looking around the house like it was unfamiliar. "Hi father" Rowan said. "Hello my son" Richard said. This greeting caught Rowan off guard.

Georgia was in the guest room when Rowan entered. He shut the door behind him. "What is going on with father" Rowan asked. Georgias eyes were glassy as she held back tears. "Sit down with me" Georgia said.

Rowan sat next to Georgia on the bed. His mother gulped before answering his anticipated question. "They call it brain congestion I took your father to see a doctor because he has been forgetting things lately and that's what they resulted" Georgia said.

"What other things has he been forgetting" Rowan asked. "Yesterday he forgot who I was for the amount of times and he almost burnt the house down while I was gone for groceries, I can't imagine how I'll take care of him when this progresses I'm smaller than your father I can't take care of him on my own" Georgia said.Georgia's lip trembled as she felt tears fall down her done up face. "Stay in London, you and dad can use the guest house" Rowan said. "That's your party home" Georgia said. "I haven't used the place for a party since I met Alders please it's yours..."Rowan said. Georgia placed her gentle hand on her son's cheek. "You've always been there for me Roe" Georgia said. "I'll continue to be there for you and dad...I'll provide medical assistance to the home" Rowan said. "Thank you" Georgia said.

Rowan helped Georgia unpack their bags into the guest room. Alders stood in the doorway. "Would you like to meet your grandchildren" Alders asked. Georgia nodded eagerly she followed Alders to the room the children were kept. Caroline's room was across from the restroom while Victor was in a nursery...Alders convinced Rowan to remodel the Study to make it into a nursery. With a heated night of love making Alders got his wish and the next day Rowan began the process of remodeling the study.

Entering Victors room the infant slept in the crib soundly, a soft baby blue color was plastered on the walls. Clouds were painted around the walls with the name Victor painted as if it was a cloud. "Oh Aldi it's such a beautiful room" Georgia said. Alders was holding the sleeping Victor in his careful arms. "I'd like you to meet Victor" Alders said. Victor slept in his crib all sound and snug. "Do you and my son have any idea of how to raise a child" Georgia asked. Alders shook his head no.

"We also don't know how to do our daughters hair either" Alders said. Alders showed Georgia Caroline who was also in her own room. Caroline noticed that Georgia had the same complexion as her. "Hi baby...I'm your grandmother" Georgia said. Caroline looked at Georgias skin then she looked at her own. "We look alike don't we baby" Georgia said. Caroline nodded her head she shyly smiled.

"Such a pretty girl with a beautiful smile" Georgia said. "Jojo" Caroline said. "Gramma Jojo" Georgia said. Georgia picked up her granddaughter she looked at her messy hair. "Alders grab me my hair bag and meet me in the dining room" Georgia said.

Alders followed Georgia to the dining room she sat with Caroline. Rowan noticed Caroline being carried by Georgia. "Hi Carol" Rowan said. Caroline's face lit up as she saw her father.

Georgia finished the one year olds hair making it look casual. "You look so pretty" Rowan said. Georgia smiled at the interactions between her son and granddaughter.

Alders watched his daughter interact with Rowan. His lover whispered something in Caroline's ear. "Dada" Caroline said. Walking over to Alders she was a happy child. "Did gramma Jojo do your hair" Alders asked. Caroline nodded a smile was on her face.

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