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Alders felt Rowan guide him over to the table. "Would you like to sit on my lap again?" Rowan asked. Alders nodded, he loved the feeling of being close to Rowan. The boy nuzzled close to the American. He didn't want this moment to end.

Rowan knew Alders love language was touch. Alders arms wrapped around Rowan's torso. The boys hands were itching to hold Rowan's warm hands. The American kissed the inside of Alders hand, before he interlocked his hand with Alders.

"You've got such warm hands" Alders said. Rowan kissed Alders forehead. "My secret is I hold them in warm water each morning" Rowan teased. Alders tried to hold his laughter back. "I'm sorry that was terrible" Alders replied.

Rowan kissed his love on the lips. He loved to see the crinkle around his eyes when he laughs. "It was meant to be terribly funny" Rowan said. Alders kissed him back. "You succeeded in the terribly funny part I'd say" Alders teased. "I adore your feedback" Rowan said.

Alders closed his eyes while he sat with Rowan. The Americans heartbeat was so calming to him. The many months they spent together their love grew stronger.

The night was coming to a close at the Lawrence. Rowan and Alders continued their evening by the pool at the Kelly estate.

Alders picked up a bottle of wine from the kitchen. As he drank he danced a little, The American watched him drink happily from the bottle.

Alders held out the bottle towards Rowan. "Would you like a sip" He asked. Rowan carefully took the bottle from Alders. He set the bottle next to him.

"I'd like to ask you something" Rowan asked.

Alders glanced at the American. He was very close to him. The wine he drank gave him a little buzz.

Rowan looked deep in thought, like he was figuring out the right thing to say. As a writer he shouldn't have that problem.

He knew he loved Alders

Alders knew that he loved Rowan right back.

Rowan took Alders hand in his. "What's happening" Alders asked. Rowan smiled softly at his love. "I've loved you since the moment I saw you at my party all those months back, I love you so deeply, I can't see a day without you Alders..."
"Come to America with me" Rowan said. Alders froze slightly, his heart pounding in his chest.

"I'd love to, but how long will we be there" Alders said. "However long we stay there is up to us, Dorothy is welcome to join us" Rowan said.

The inclusion of Dorothy sealed the deal for Alders. He would be so worried if something happened to Dorothy.

That night Rowan called his parents. His mother Georgia answered. "What are you doing up it's late" She said. "Hi Georgia" Alders slurred. Rowan chuckled. "Alders says Hello" Rowan said.

"Who is calling at Tea time" Richard asked. "It's your son" Georgia said. "Listen...I'm calling to say that Alders and I are coming to America to see you guys" Rowan said.

What sounded like a firework was Georgias screaming. "My babies are coming to visit us Richie" Georgia squealed. Richard took the phone from Georgia. "I think you broke your mother" Richard said.

Georgias excitement was heard throughout the house and through the phone. Richard barely slept that night.

Alders (boyxman)Where stories live. Discover now