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As Alders was undressing in his room a faint knock at the door startled him.

He quickly put on his satin robe that  he stole from his mother. "Who is it" Alders asked.

Meredith poked her head into the room with a smile on her face. "It's me darling no need to worry" Meredith said.

Alders took a sigh of relief as he sat on his bed. "Who were you expecting" Meredith asked. "Anders" Alders said.

Meredith giggled silently at his answer. "He's always in his study, you know this" Meredith said.

Alders nodded as the room grew silent. "Who was the man you were with all night  Mary, Kathryn and I are all gossiping about it so please tell" Meredith said.

Immediately Alders turned fire engine red as he blushed. "Please don't tell Anders" Alders said.

"My darling I'll never tell your brother he barley speaks to me as it is" Meredith said. "He speaks without an accent" Alders said. "Is he American" Meredith asked. Alders nodded with a smile while looking at his hands. "Yeah, it's new to me" Alders said.

Suddenly the telephone rings causing Alders to rush to the phone. Alders answered the phone. "Hello" Alders said.

The man chuckled before he spoke. "Is this Alders Lennon" Rowan asked. Alders face grew red as he smiled through the phone. Meredith saw him turn red and couldn't help but giggle and nod. "Y-yes this is he" Alders said.

Rowan chuckled once more at the adorable boy. "It's good to hear your voice on this beautiful morning" Rowan said.

Alders looked at himself in his mirror he witnessed how red his face was getting just from speaking to Rowan. "Y...Yours to Rowan" Alders said.

Alders looked behind him to see Meredith left his room, Alders heart beat may have slowed down a tiny bit just from that. "Are you still there" Rowan asked. Alders came back to earth as he loudly sighed. "Yes I'm sorry I was just listening to your voice" Alders said. Rowan chuckled lightly through the phone you can hear his smile. "It's quite alright I enjoy talking to you" Rowan said. Alders blushed at the older mans words. "I would like to know if you would accompany me to tea this afternoon" Rowan asked. Tea with Rowan, they barley even knew each other. "I'd love to" Alders said. "Great I'm sending a car this afternoon, dress code is unimportant it'll just be you and I" Rowan said. "I'll see you then" Alders said. Hanging up the phone. He ran to Merediths room with a smile on his face.

That afternoon the car came to the Lennon residence. The driver opened the door as Rowan got out of the car. Alders held a surprised look on his face like he's seen a ghost. "Why so surprised darling" Rowan asked. "I've never been on a date with a man before" Alders said. "No need to worry" Rowan said. Alders joined Rowan in the car as they drove off to the Kelly residence. "How long have you been living in the UK" Alders asked. "Five or six years" Rowan said. Alders went quiet as he was enjoying the ride to Rowans magical mansion.

Rowan watched the boy look around his mansion with so much wonder. "Is that you with the Queen" Alders asked. Alders was gazing up at a portrait of the Royal highness herself. "Yes, may I add that Queen Elizabeth is a lovely woman" Rowan said. Alders looked at the other pictures, he saw Rowan with his family.

"Where in America is your family from" Alders asked. "My mother Georgia is from Mississippi and my father Richard is from New York" Rowan said. "What brought you to London" Alders asked.

Rowan handed him his tea as they both sat together enjoying their tea. "My grandmother on my fathers side lives in London, my grandfather moved to New York with my father when he was very young" Rowan said.

People in London thought Rowan was lying by his up bringing story. "What age did you come to London" Alders asked. As in People I do mean Anders.

"I was six when I moved to London my grandmother made the trip to America to retrieve me" Rowan said.

Alders (boyxman)Where stories live. Discover now