978 19 1

1920's England

"Lighten up Alders, this party is for your own good" Anders said. Driving his fancy model T, Anders his brother always dragged him to parties with his soon to be wife Meredith.

Meredith turned around and looked at the sulking boy. "You never know Alders, you could find the love of your life at this party" Meredith said.

Turning around in her seat Alders rolled his eyes with annoyance as he looked out the window. What he saw was unbelievably beautiful, a lit up mansion filled with people of all races.

"Who's party is this tonight" Meredith asked. "The infamous Rowan Kelly" Anders said. "I don't believe I know him" Meredith said.

"He's a American  author darling, but he spends all his time in a foreign country" Anders said. "What kind of novels does he write" Alders asked. "Ask him that yourself I'm sure he'd love to get in your pants fairy" Anders said. "I'm not a fairy" Alders said.

"Aww look who's offended" Anders said. "Hey don't be unreasonable" Meredith said. "I'm only teasing him, aren't I Alders" Anders sarcastically said. Anders winked at his offended brother, Alders didn't even pay attention as he watched cars roll on by as they drove past them in the car park.

Anders parked in front of the doors, looking in the rearview mirror at Alders. "Get out Fairy" Anders said. Alders knew quite well what that meant so he got out, he watched Anders drive away to find a place to park.

Alders sighed as he turned around making his way towards the door. He admired the house, it was so beautiful to his eye that he couldn't look away. Until he reached the door, a man in a suit opened the door for him.

Offering Alders a drink on a silver serving plate. "Care for a drink sir" He said. Alders took the drink off the tray and began drinking the bubbly liquid.

A band was playing as he stood by to watch, they were awfully great. Alders has been too to many parties in his life but never one like this. Alders didn't notice he was the only one actually enjoying himself at this fine event.

Looking around he heard mindless chatter coming from all directions. Alders couldn't handle the noise for much longer, he eventually scurried out of the room the party was held in and ended up in another part of the house.

It was much quieter Alders thought to himself, He walked down a long hallway filled with pictures of the home owner. Alders stopped at one for a moment and took a look at the portrait.

The man in the portrait had a handsome face with a pair of dark forrest green eyes. A head of hair that looked very done up In the picture a shade of brunette to be exact, light stubble accompanied the fascinating face.

As Alders was admiring the portraits he heard music a soft melody being played down the hallway. It wasn't as loud as the band at the party, it was soft like silk, soft like cotton. The soft music attracted Alders to go investigate where it was coming from.

It didn't take long to find where the music was coming from. The music Alders heard was coming  from a well stocked library filled with books to the sky. Looking around Alders couldn't fathom at how many there were.

Hundreds of thousands were filling the shelves of the mans library. Alders turned around to the music. A man sitting on the piano was playing a beautiful melody. The man at the piano wasn't just a house guest.

He in fact was Rowan Kelly himself, Alders was in the presence of the house owner. Rowan glanced up at Alders with a little smile on his face as he continued to play the soft melody.

Rowan played one final key before fully giving Alders his attention. "How are you enjoying your time here" Rowan asked. Alders gulped as his eyes avoided the mans gaze. "Yes, I'm having a lovely time" Alders said.

Rowan nodded at Alders response as he stood up from the piano. "Your probably asking yourself why I'm up here instead of being down there" Rowan asked.

"I was thinking that" Alders confessed. "I like to be alone with my thoughts as a writer I am very fond of loneliness" Rowan said. "I guess you and I think alike" Alders said. Rowan smiled at the younger boy, "You want to take a walk with me" Rowan asked. Alders nodded as he followed Rowan out of the library.

Rowan held out his hand for Alders to take. The younger man's hand was shaking as he reached out to him. Rowan's thumb caressed his hand slightly. "Let's have a look around, I know a lake we can go to where no one will find us...would you like that" Rowan asked.

Alders nodded anything to get away from the loud noises of a party.

Alders (boyxman)Where stories live. Discover now