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Alders held Rowan in his arms as they laid in bed, meaningful kisses were pressed on each others lips and skin.

"When shall we tell your parents" Alders asked. Rowan looked up at him, a smile appeared on his lips. "They already know, I called them while You were asleep" Rowan said. Alders knew he didn't need to worry. "My mom of course was very enthusiastic about the announcement" Rowan said. Richard was a understanding man who hid his emotions from everyone, Rowan knew his dad would be just as happy for them.

"Would we get married in the US or London?" Alders asked. Alders thought about Meredith, Anders and the baby. The idea of leaving them out hurt him on the inside. "We could have two weddings and make Horace pay for the London wedding" Rowan teased. Causing Alders to giggle, Rowan leaned in for a kiss. "That man has enough on his plate already" Alders said.

A series of loud knocks were heard coming from the front door. Rowan groaned, he got up from the bed. Throwing on a robe that he brought from London. Alders eyes followed him out of the room.

Rowan opened the door, on the outside was Horace. "How did you find me" Rowan said. Horace laughed, gently patting his face. "My boy, it was easy" Horace said. "You harassed my parents didn't you" Rowan said. "No,No don't be silly" Horace said. Rowan knew he needed to find a better place for his parents to live.

"How's the writing coming" Horace said. "It's going" Rowan said. Scratching his neck, he lied he hasn't written a thing since he's been here. Alders peaked out from the room on the stairwell. Horace glanced over at the stairwell, noticing the boy. "My dashing Alders, long time no see" Horace said. Alders face went red, the bedroom door was soon heard as it was shut. "I didn't realize that I was interrupting something" Horace said. Rowan shot him a confused look, "You didn't know you were interrupting" Rowan asked. "Before I am kicked out, I have some bad news, The publishing company found out about your relationship, they've decided to drop you as their client" Horace said. Rowan's heart broke, he's been with the same publishing company for many years. Horace had a look of grief in his eyes, a secret held close to his heart that would twist the knife even more to Rowan's already shattered heart.

"That being said...I can no longer be your manager, I'm very sorry" Horace said. "Where will I go...Who will accept my work for who I am" Rowan said. "I've heard a publishing company here in New York has a special interest in you" Horace said. "I'll ring you later, thank you for everything Horace" Rowan said.

Horace placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. Rowan's eyes began to water. Was this the end of his career as he knew it?

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